Are you talking about jars in /system/framework on those devices? I
don't think those can be included on a per-app basis and I doubt you
are allowed to redistribute them in your app as they should be
considered proprietary.

If I misunderstood, please be more specific as to what files you try
to include and the path you are trying to put them in.

On 6 Jan, 06:16, Kevin Kowalewski <> wrote:
> Hello,
> Many device manufacturers have separate libraries to help with the
> unique features of their phones. For example, HTC has their HTC Sense
> Target, where you can include HTC specific functionality within your
> Android application. Sharp for example makes a Sharp 3D target
> available which includes a library for enabling the 3D display on the
> handset. LG Does the same for their 3D handsets.
> For me, I can only get the Sharp and LG handsets to work when I build
> against its Android Target. When I try to include the stereo3dlcd.jar
> (on the Sharp for ex) file as a library, the application does not
> build and I get a "Class resolved by unexpected DEX" exception.
> I am not really sure on why... The folder that contains the libraries
> in Android's add-ons folder is fairly bare. There is some
> documentation, a hardware.ini and a manifest.ini.
> Including all of the libraries found in the lib folder does not help.
> So does anyone know how I can include these libraries in the APK
> without targeting this platform?
> sharp_addon_3_for_API8 kevin$ ls -al
> total 16
> drwxr-xr-x@  8 kevin  staff   272  5 Jan 23:50 .
> drwxr-x---@ 17 kevin  staff   578  5 Jan 23:54 ..
> drwxr-xr-x@  3 kevin  staff   102 20 Jan  2011 docs_en
> drwxr-xr-x@  3 kevin  staff   102 20 Jan  2011 docs_ja
> -rwxr-xr-x@  1 kevin  staff   197 18 Jan  2011 hardware.ini
> drwxr-xr-x@  6 kevin  staff   204 20 Jan  2011 images
> drwxr-xr-x@  6 kevin  staff   204 20 Jan  2011 libs
> -rwxr-xr-x   1 kevin  staff  1050 18 Jan  2011 manifest.ini

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