
I am trying to play a real-time video stream with the Android MediaPlayer. The 
use case prioritizes real-time rendering to the screen over smooth playback. 
Restated, I am not interested in smooth un-interrupted playback such as 
watching a movie or YouTube video or webcast, where video is typically 
buffered, if even minimally, to achieve smooth playback. What I need to do is 
eliminate as much latency as possible between the video source stream and 
playback, so that the delay between a direct rendering at the source and the 
playback of the stream on an Android tablet is as small as possible. Presently, 
I have an app which plays an RTSP stream with the MediaPlayer, and I'm 
encountering a latency of around 4 seconds, which is unacceptable for this use 
case. I am seeking <1 second latency. 

I have been looking high and low for any way to configure the MediaPlayer, and 
it doesn't appear that there are really any knobs or switches on it to adjust. 
Specifically what I'd like to do is the following: 

1. Adjust or disable entirely caching and buffering within the MediaPlayer. 

2. Tell the MediaPlayer to ignore any processing for audio, which is not needed 
in this use case. 

3. Potentially be able to control or monitor the network transport of the 
stream (much less important than #1). 

4. It would be great to be able to get some statistical data on what part of 
the pipeline latency exists: network transport, buffering, decoding, rendering, 
etc. (again, much less important than #1). 

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions for the above, I'd really appreciate it. 
Even alternative solutions for accomplishing the need are welcome (though this 
is a commercial application, and so GPL source isn't an alternative), though 
the ideal solution would be to leverage the native MediaPlayer. 

Thanks in advance for your assistance.



Brad O'Hearne
Founder / Lead Developer
Big Hill Software LLC

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