I am gettign an ATR : A card is present. ATR: 3B 8F 80 01 80 4F 0C A0 00 00
03 06 03 *FF 40* 00 00 00 00 D4 .

I dont htink it emulated the card.Does it.For 1k/4k Mifare Classic Card it
has to be 00 01(Mifare 1k) or 00 02(Mifare 1k) instead of *FF 40* .PLz
correct my understanding.I have used the patches to enable to the phone in
Card emulation mode.

"..pain is temporary.....quitting lasts forever......"

On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 11:24 AM, s.rawat <imsaurabhra...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yes you are correct, now it looks fine and I can see the options getting
> "ticked" on the NFC Setting UI.But i was getting the segmentation fault as
> well.Plz find attached the logs( showing the logs at the boot time ).It
> shows the stack trace as well.
> Rgds,
> Saurabh
> "..pain is temporary.....quitting lasts forever......"
> On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 6:04 PM, s.rawat <imsaurabhra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sure I will try that  and post the results !
>> "..pain is temporary.....quitting lasts forever......"
>> 2012/1/5 Fernando Miguélez <fernando.migue...@gmail.com>
>>> Saurabh,
>>> After reflashing my phone and verifying that the NFC toggle option was
>>> available also in main Wireless Settings Screen, and after examining your
>>> problem I reached the conclusion that your generated image does not include
>>> NFC support, only the settings screen. I reviewed the patches and *there
>>> was a bug. *The NFC was not enabled in building proccess because the
>>> wrong file was patched (device.mk instead of device_base.mk). Sorry for
>>> the incovenience.
>>> I have just updated the patches and uploaded to
>>> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=17965091 . Could you
>>> please check from the beginning that now the patches are completely correct
>>> by rebuilding the image? It is safe to apply again over the patches files,
>>> since the changes apply to another file.
>>> On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 9:31 AM, s.rawat <imsaurabhra...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> I did re-flashing from the patched Android Source and again the same
>>>> thing.Here are the logcat logs on clicking the NFC Settings :
>>>> D/dalvikvm(  298): GC_EXPLICIT freed 91K, 45% free 3160K/5703K,
>>>> external 4731K/5234K, paused 290ms
>>>> I/ActivityManager(  106): Starting: Intent {
>>>> act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.settings/.WirelessSettings }
>>>> from pid 493
>>>> D/dalvikvm(  493): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 55K, 50% free 2933K/5831K,
>>>> external 2878K/3220K, paused 20ms
>>>> E/NFC     (  493): could not retrieve NFC service
>>>> I/ActivityManager(  106): Displayed
>>>> com.android.settings/.WirelessSettings: +351ms
>>>> D/dalvikvm(  493): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 43K, 49% free 3022K/5831K,
>>>> external 3171K/3241K, paused 21ms
>>>> I/ActivityManager(  106): Starting: Intent {
>>>> act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=com.android.settings/.nfc.NfcSettings }
>>>> from pid 493
>>>> I/ActivityManager(  106): Displayed
>>>> com.android.settings/.nfc.NfcSettings: +261ms
>>>> Any clue on this.
>>>> Rgds,
>>>> Saurabh
>>>> "..pain is temporary.....quitting lasts forever......"
>>>> 2012/1/4 Fernando Miguélez <fernando.migue...@gmail.com>
>>>>> Well, options are enabled in cascade. The problem comes because the
>>>>> first option is not enabled. Besides, if you look at the Wireless Settings
>>>>> screen, there is only the "NFC Settings" option, but not the one that lets
>>>>> you enalbe/disable NFC directly from that screen. That is beacuse the Nfc
>>>>> service in not available. Connection to a computer in debug mode will draw
>>>>> some light.
>>>>> Instead of compiling the whole image again I suggest you to compile
>>>>> just the Nfc.apk system application and replace the original one. You must
>>>>> remount /system partition in read/write mode and overwrite the apk inside
>>>>> /system/app. Then you must kill the nfc service by means of DDMS view of
>>>>> the ADT (you must connnect the phone in debug mode and since you have
>>>>> compiled in userdebug mode you will see all the running proccesses). The
>>>>> service will restart automatically.
>>>>> When it comes to read/write the card by means of an external reader,
>>>>> any Mifare Classic 4K compatible RFID reader will do. If you try to access
>>>>> directly to the SE from an Android application I am afraid to disappoint
>>>>> you but that is not possible, at least I wasn't successful at it and 
>>>>> nobody
>>>>> I know either. The reasons are well described in other posts and on
>>>>> stackoverflow.
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 2:56 PM, s.rawat <imsaurabhra...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks !
>>>>>> I will also try from my side recompiling it.So you mean I should get
>>>>>> the Check boxes enabled for
>>>>>> > *Only Card EmulationMode*
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> > *Use External SE*
>>>>>> My main aim is to write to the NFC card in card emulation mode so
>>>>>> that it can be read by any Card Reader.is it possible after your patches
>>>>>> are applied using teh android SDKs or do we have to write some native
>>>>>> application.
>>>>>> Rgds,
>>>>>> Softy
>>>>>> "..pain is temporary.....quitting lasts forever......"
>>>>>> 2012/1/4 Fernando Miguélez <fernando.migue...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> Great work.
>>>>>>> Obviously there is something wrong with the compilation. Have you
>>>>>>> tried to connect in debug mode the phone to a computer with Android
>>>>>>> Development Tools and see what the traces look like. They may offer a 
>>>>>>> clue.
>>>>>>> My suspicion is that NfcService is crashing. I will review my notes
>>>>>>> tomorrow if I find something different to the steps you followed to 
>>>>>>> build
>>>>>>> the image.
>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 9:17 AM, softy <imsaurabhra...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>>>> Thanks Fernando Miguélez Palomo for posting the patches.I have
>>>>>>>> applied it to 2.3.4-r1 Android gingerbread and compiled /flashed it on
>>>>>>>> Samsung Nexus S and was able to see the NFC Settings changed(though i 
>>>>>>>> cant
>>>>>>>> select them, they are disabled)
>>>>>>>> I have blogged the whole steps 
>>>>>>>> here<http://techshek4u.blogspot.com/2012/01/applying-card-emulation-patch-to_03.html>.Plz
>>>>>>>>  let me know if I miss something.
>>>>>>>> @ Fernando Miguélez Palomo
>>>>>>>> What next after that.How can i test this.Any source code or tool
>>>>>>>> /card reader description will be enlightening.
>>>>>>>> Rgds,
>>>>>>>> softy
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