At one of the Android Google IO sessions, Dan Morrill mentioned that
it would be rare to need to do so, without providing much more info.
Also, the posts from Google/Android employees in this forum don't
recommend doing this either, often citing "overhead." The official
android documentation doesn't seem to grace this topic, and
consequently I've been left with the same question: When would you
need to put a service into a separate process?

For my specific application, I need to communicate with a remote
server every 30 minutes downloading some XML each time, dissecting it,
and displaying notifications. I thought it would be a good idea to put
this service in it's own process to completely separate it from the UI
process. The reason being, the service process is a lot more light
weight than the process with all my activities. It seems that it would
be easier on the OS to keep the lighter service process constantly
running/executing, and the OS could kill off the heavier process with
all the activities when they aren't being used. Otherwise, if I put
the service in the same process as the rest of my application, the
system would need to keep this massive process (containing various
views, activities, and a service) around continuously - something very
inefficient. Is this the correct line of thinking? Or should I keep
everything in 1 process?

Thanks for your time.
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