I'm updating an Android 2.2 application to use CursorLoader (using the
v4 compatibility library) and I'm using the CursorLoaderSupport
example (http://developer.android.com/resources/samples/Support4Demos/
src/com/example/android/supportv4/app/LoaderCursorSupport.html) to
help me.

My question is should this example app automatically update its
displayed list when a contact is edited in the contact application?

When I run it (on an 2.2 N1 or 2.2/2,3 emulator), I see my list of
contacts but, when I switch to the contacts app, edit a contact, and
switch back, I don't see the change reflected. I thought a
CursorLoader would automatically call onLoadFinished() when the data
associated with its query content URI changed? Am I missing something?

My reason for asking this is because I'm seeing the same problem in my
app with my own content provider. Everything worked fine when using
ManagedQuery previously (content notifications automatically updated
my SimpleCursorAdapter) but I can't seem to get the same behaviour
with a CursorLoader.

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