Although I dont' remember encountering exaclty the same problem, the
unreliability of logcat display from inside Eclipse is the reason I
long ago got into the habit of runnig logcat in a Terminal window (I
run Eclipse under Linux, not Windows) instead. But even then, when I
disconnect the USB cable for the phone, I find that often I have to
restart adb. But this is a lot less drastic than restarting Eclipse.

So that is what I suggest you try: stop and restart the server using
the adb command from a terminal window (or a command shell) when you
see that problem. It is a lot faster than restarting Eclipse.

On Jan 14, 12:24 pm, Keith Wiley <> wrote:
> Every time the phone is unplugged from USB, the logcat is permanently
> corrupted in that the when the phone is reconnected, logcat does not
> reestablish.  Restarting an app, either in debug or run mode produces
> zero logcat output after that point.  Closing the logcat window view
> and reopening it has no effect.  The only solution is to quit and
> restart Eclipse.  Therefore, I must quit and restart Eclipse every
> time I take my phone with me and then later return.
> I've been having this problem since day one with Android development,
> three years ago.  In that time I have installed new versions of
> Eclipse and numerous updates to the Android SDK and Eclipse plugin.
> Nothing has ever improved the situation w.r.t. this bug.
> Anyone know anything about this?
> Thanks.

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