
A couple of things:

a.) What versions are you seeing this in? Emulator only?
b.) jQuery (in general) is pretty slow on mobile devices. jQuery
Mobile has come a long way (in the almost 3 years since the project
c.) Have you tried not walking the whole DOM and just directly adding
to a couple of nodes?
d.) Binding mouseup/down might be problematic with jQuery (due to
multitouch, trackball, etc).


On Jan 29, 10:28 pm, Greg Donald <> wrote:
> I'm working up some new code that uses Javascript binding, described here:
> 1) Is there any way to speed it up?  There's about a 2-3 second delay
> before a click executes my Javascript clickContact() function in my
> activity.  I'm attaching to my <tr> with jQuery, like this:
> $.each($('tr[class=contact]'), function(i, obj) {
>   $(obj).click(function() {
>     Android.clickContact($(obj).attr('id'));
>   });
> });
> I tried attached to my <a> tags, but that's just as slow.
> My Android code:
> public class ContactsJS
> {
>   private final Contacts con;
>   private final Context c;
>   public ContactsJS( final Contacts contacts, final Context context )
>   {
>     con = contacts;
>     c = context;
>   }
>   public void clickContact( final String contact_id )
>   {
>     con.clickContact( contact_id );
>   }
> }
> WebView contacts = (WebView) findViewById( );
> contacts.addJavascriptInterface( new ContactsJS( this, this ), "Android" );
> It works, but it's really slow.
> 2) How can I get WebKit to provide some sort of click feedback?  Since
> I have problem #1, described above, I really need to provide some
> click/tap feedback.  My jQuery code below works great in Chrome and
> Firefox, highlights red like expected, but in the Android browser it
> doesn't do anything.  I had some debug code in there, mousedown and
> mouseup never fire.
> $.each($('a[class=click]'), function(i, obj) {
>   $(obj).mousedown(function() {
>     $(obj).parent().css("background-color", '#f00');
>   }).mouseup(function() {
>     $(obj).parent().css("background-color", 'transparent');
>   });
> });
> I also tried the other mouse events described here:
> And I tried attaching to the <tr>s and <td>s instead of my <a>s, can't
> get anything to fire in the Android browser.
> How can I provide some click feedback for my slow Javascript binding?
> Thanks,
> --
> Greg Donald

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