No. The hint method does not suit what I want to do. The text in the 
EditText field is valid text, not a hint about what the user should enter. 
In fact it is a Quantity field in an order entry system. I want the user to 
just enter a new number over the number that is already there instead of 
deleting the existing and reenter a new one.

The way to do this is to make text selected/highlighted automatically when 
the user touches the field so that what he types replaces what is already 
there. There is an option for that in the XML layout, but I cannot use it 
because this field is constructed programmatically (as users enter new line 
items). The above code works fine on Android 2.x, but it just does not work 
in ICS.

That is why I am wondering if it is not a bug introduced in ICS, or if I am 
doing something wrong...

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