
I have a ListView that uses SimpleCursorAdapter with a ViewBinder.

If switch from portrait to landscape on the phone as the list is
populating items, I get an SQLiteClosable exception because the
activity's onDestroy has been called, but the adapter is still loading
data from the cursor. Is there a better way of handling this? Are
there any events I can listen for on the adapter so I can manually
close the cursor once the data is loaded?

Here is my current code:

Cursor cursor = managedQuery(Table.CONTENT_URI, PROJECTION, null,
SimpleCursorAdapter adapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(this,
                cursor, new String[] {
                        Table.AUTHOR_ID, Table.MESSAGE, Table.SENT_DATE
                }, new int[] {
                        R.id.list_item_screen_name, R.id.list_item_text,
adapter.setViewBinder(new ExampleBinder());

I switched to getContentResolver().query() to avoid the crashes, but
then I am responsible for closing the cursor myself. If I run this in
a thread, is there any way I can have a listener that closes the query
down once it's finished loading data?
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