Hi All...

I'm working on v2 of my app.  Although the basic operation of the app
is the same, it is very different in terms of appearance and UI
interaction (much better - I think!).

I've got a couple of thousand users who rely on the app on a daily
basis as a key part of their jobs and I'd like to be able to offer
them the opportunity to migrate to the new version at a time that
suits them rather than suddenly forcing them to learn the new ways of
doing stuff.

- although much of what happens 'under the covers' is the same as the
current app, the UI is very different.  I can't gradually enhance v1
to become v2, it's going to be a step change

- I don't want to post v2 as an update to the existing apk in the
market: most of the users are so loyal they will just upgrade without
thinking and for many of them the change will be a shock!

- I'd really like to post v2 as a new package in the market - I don't
care too much about transferring the feedback, but I'd like to have
some way that I can move over the folks who have purchased the app
without requiring them to pay again.

any ideas/recommendations/experiences from the community?


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