Only occurs in Android 4.x.

We raise one notification with app in background when some time has
elapsed, notification disappear; when this ocurrs the logcat looks

02-28 18:12:27.711: I/RegisteredComponentCache(464): ComponentInfo:
ResolveInfo{41884668 p=0 o=0
m=0x108000}, techs:,
    02-28 18:12:27.711: D/PackageManager(206):
generateServicesMap(android.accounts.AccountAuthenticator): 7 services
    02-28 18:12:27.719: D/AccountTypeManager(5786): Registering
external account type=com.lopez, packageName=com.lopez
    02-28 18:12:27.719: D/AccountTypeManager(5786): Registering
external account type=com.whatsapp, packageName=com.whatsapp
    02-28 18:12:27.726: W/ResourceType(5786): getEntry failing because
entryIndex 598 is beyond type entryCount 195
    02-28 18:12:27.726: W/ResourceType(5786): Failure getting entry
for 0x7f020256 (t=1 e=598) in package 0 (error -2147483647)
    02-28 18:12:27.726: D/AccountTypeManager(5786): Registering
external account,
    02-28 18:12:27.758: D/PackageManager(206):
generateServicesMap(android.content.SyncAdapter): 18 services
    02-28 18:12:27.765: I/AudioService(206):  AudioFocus
abandonAudioFocus() from
    02-28 18:12:27.851: W/ResourceType(5786): getEntry failing because
entryIndex 206 is beyond type entryCount 195
    02-28 18:12:27.859: W/ResourceType(5786): Failure getting entry
for 0x7f0200ce (t=1 e=206) in package 0 (error -2147483647)
    02-28 18:12:27.859: D/AccountTypeManager(5786): Registering
external account type=com.facebook.auth.login,
    02-28 18:12:27.867: W/ResourceType(5786): getEntry failing because
entryIndex 280 is beyond type entryCount 195
    02-28 18:12:27.867: W/ResourceType(5786): Failure getting entry
for 0x7f020118 (t=1 e=280) in package 0 (error -2147483647)
    02-28 18:12:27.867: D/AccountTypeManager(5786): Registering 1
extension packages
    02-28 18:12:27.875: E/ExternalAccountType(5786): Unsupported
attribute readOnly
    02-28 18:12:27.875: W/ResourceType(5786): getEntry failing because
entryIndex 207 is beyond type entryCount 195
    02-28 18:12:27.875: W/ResourceType(5786): Failure getting entry
for 0x7f0200cf (t=1 e=207) in package 0 (error -2147483647)
    02-28 18:12:27.883: D/AccountTypeManager(5786): Registering
extension package account, dataSet=plus,
    02-28 18:12:27.883: I/AccountTypeManager(5786): Loaded meta-data
for 7 account types, 7 accounts in 167ms(wall) 14ms(cpu)
    02-28 18:12:28.047: D/dalvikvm(22579): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2150K,
39% free 20337K/32967K, paused 24ms
    02-28 18:12:28.492: D/dalvikvm(22579): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2628K,
41% free 19699K/32967K, paused 2ms+4ms
    02-28 18:12:28.804: D/dalvikvm(22579): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1060K,
38% free 20513K/32967K, paused 2ms+5ms

The app have one service in background that will close by hisself when
finish the tasks.Code for showing notification is:

int icon = R.drawable.notification;
long when = System.currentTimeMillis();
Notification notification = new Notification(icon, title, when);
notification.flags |= Notification.FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT;
notification.flags &= ~Notification.FLAG_NO_CLEAR; notification.flags
&= ~Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL;
NotificationManager nm = (NotificationManager)
nm.notify("Lopez",notificationId, notification);

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