> line=POST / HTTP/1.1
> line=Content-Length: 23

No you would see:

line=POST / HTTP/1.1
line=Content-Length: 23

if a null was returned.

But a null is never returned. Still your
loop ends as instead an exception is trown.

You did not see that because the catch does nothing.
Add a Log.i there and you will see.

You modified the original code which checked for an empty line.
Take the original code again.

Add a check for the Content-Lengh: line and decode the contentlength.
(in your example 23)

Then outside the loop do something like:

if ( contentlength > 0 ){

                char [] buffer = new char[contentlength];

                int nread = in.read (buffer, 0, contentlength);

                String Parameters = new String( buffer);

 // well you should check nread == contentlength

> I am wondering where the HTTP POST data is?

That just follows the empty line. But as that data is not ended with
a newline in.readLine() cannot be used.

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