The takePicture() function captures an image.The callback occurs when
the picture has been captured and encoded. You aren't seeing the
callback in your app because you haven't started preview mode. It
cannot be used to capture an image from another application.

Even this did work, it doesn't necessarily mean the the user has taken
a picture. It could be an application like a barcode scanner or OCR
that is capturing an image for analysis.

I think you want to look at MediaStore. It might broadcast an intent
when new media is added, or perhaps you can wake up periodically and
scan for new images that have been added since the last time you
scanned the database.

On Jan 15, 1:05 am, GiladH <> wrote:
> Hey,
> I want to be able to capture the above system event in a _global_
> manner.
> That is - even if my app is currently not running, I want the system
> to start it, so it can handle
> a new-picture-just-taken event by the user.
> I tries to do by creating a BOOT_COMPLETED BroadcastReceiver that
> internall calls:
> null, null, My_jpegImageCallback);
> The results:
> BroadcastReceiver successfully called at startup
> My_jpegImageCallback NOT called when user is taking a new picture.
> Pls advise.
> GiladH
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