After successfully running the PhoneGap demon under iOS I am trying to do 
the same with Eclipse. On my Mac Book Pro I managed to get Eclipse and all 
the SDKs installed and built the demo code. When I run it however it does 
not work and I see the following errors display in the console log:

[2012-03-07 13:34:47 - HelloPhoneGap] Failed to install HelloPhoneGap.apk 
on device 'emulator-5556!

[2012-03-07 13:34:47 - HelloPhoneGap] (null)

[2012-03-07 13:34:47 - HelloPhoneGap] Failed to install HelloPhoneGap.apk 
on device 'emulator-5556': Connection reset by peer

[2012-03-07 13:34:47 - HelloPhoneGap] 
Connection reset by peer

[2012-03-07 13:34:47 - HelloPhoneGap] Launch canceled!

I see the demo UI but the buttons are inactive and the onDeviceReady() 
function never gets called. The code is pretty much identical to the iOS 
version so it has to be something in the setup of the environment but I've 
been over the setup several times and cannot spot an issue.

Just for grins I tried to do all this on my Windows 7 machine but there I 
cannot even get the SDK installed. Back on my Mac I cannot update the SDK 
and get the same error I get on the Windows 7 machine when trying to 
install the SDK:

[2012-03-07 16:49:41 - SDK Manager] ERROR: Failed to fetch URL, reason: 
Connection to refused

[2012-03-08 09:35:55 - SDK Manager] ERROR: Failed to fetch URL, reason:

I have tried all the suggestions I have found online for resolving these 
errors (e.g. using http instead of https, running as Administrator on 
Windows, turning off the firewall and virus checking, etc) but nothing has 

Any ideas what could be keeping this from running? As I wrote, the app 
comes up in the simulator and runs but once the UI is up the buttons are 
unresponsive and the ready function does not get called.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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