That helped me,... Thanks a ton

On Dec 15 2008, 9:36 pm, "Sergi Velez" <> wrote:
> Maybe AlarmManager will work for 
> you:
> ---
> ["In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not."]
> On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 16:17, joshv <> wrote:
> > I am currently researching the way to do this "right" and find the
> > response below a bit interesting.  It would seem that any and all long
> > lived background services are being heavily discouraged.
> > What I want to do is periodically check url that returns data.  If the
> > change in data between one request and the next is large enough (user
> > set threshold) I want to send a notification to the user.  This is the
> > MOST requested feature for my application.  I cannot see how to
> > accomplish this if I only check data that meets the threshold when the
> > application is running.  The users want the thing to go off in their
> > pocket, that's the whole point - they don't want to be constantly
> > running my app.
> > So how do the google apps do this - for example email and IM?  Do they
> > have long lived services that run in the background - or is there some
> > other notification process that they are utilizing?
> > On Nov 23, 6:47 pm, "Dianne Hackborn" <> wrote:
> > > Please please please be sure to stop the service when it is no longer
> > > needed.  For a media player, this generally means only having it in the
> > > running state when it is actively playing music; otherwise it should only
> > be
> > > needed when there are clients bound to it.
> > > If you don't stop your services, then the system has to assume it is
> > needed
> > > forever and can't remove your process to allow for other things the user
> > is
> > > actually doing.  I think this is actually one of our biggest third party
> > > application issues, applications that just starts a service and never
> > stops
> > > it.  This sucks for the user, and just should not be done.  In fact there
> > is
> > > already code in the system to look for services that have been running a
> > > long time without others doing things to them to let them be killed, but
> > > it's pretty clear we'll need to be even more brutal about this. :(
> >  (Which
> > > sucks for things that really do want to run for a long time, like a media
> > > player, but it's not clear at all to me what to do about them.)
> > > Also, there was a suggestion earlier to try running the service in
> > another
> > > process.  Multiple processes is again something to be careful of, and to
> > > stay away from unless you really need them -- processes are quite
> > > heavy-weight entities, so shouldn't be thrown around lightly.
> > > On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 12:42 PM, G <> wrote:
> > > > EUREKA! I've figured it out based on some of the documentation I
> > > > missed. For those who also have trouble...
> > > > The docs for ContextWrapper.startService(Intent service) includes the
> > > > following line...
> > > > "Using startService() overrides the default service lifetime that is
> > > > managed by bindService(Intent, ServiceConnection, int): it requires
> > > > the service to remain running until stopService(Intent) is called,
> > > > regardless of whether any clients are connected to it."
> > > > This is the trick, simply run startService() before you attempt to
> > > > bind to it! So before, my onCreate contained:
> > > >         bindService(new Intent(MDService.class.getName()),
> > > > mConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
> > > > Now this has been replaced by:
> > > >        Intent i = new Intent(MDService.class.getName());
> > > >        startService(i);
> > > >        bindService(i, mConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
> > > > After that change, calling unbindService(mConnection) does NOT destroy
> > > > the service :)
> > > > So starting a service by binding it from an activity links the
> > > > service's life-cycle with that of the activity. While starting the
> > > > Service first, gives it it's own lifecycle, and you can still bind to
> > > > it right after. (And you still know the service will only actually be
> > > > started once.)
> > > > Also, doing this seems to have alleviated my 2nd problem that I
> > > > described in my 1st post, but this requires a little more testing
> > > > before i can confirm it.
> > > > On Nov 23, 3:09 pm, G <> wrote:
> > > > > I just realized that the in API Demo for Remote Service Binding, the
> > > > > service is destroyed when the activity is destroyed as well. So it's
> > > > > no help in this case. Can anyone point to a code sample in which a
> > > > > service outlives it's binding in an activity? Do I need to use a
> > > > > BroadcastReceiver or something? I'm very confused :(
> > > > > On Nov 23, 2:46 pm, G <> wrote:
> > > > > > That is what I've been trying to do, below is the service
> > definition
> > > > > > in my AndroidManifest.xml file
> > > > > >     <service android:name=".MDService" android:process=":remote">
> > > > > >         <intent-filter>
> > > > > >                 <action
> > > > android:name=""></
> > > > > > action>
> > > > > >                 </intent-filter>
> > > > > >         </service>
> > > > > > And I bind the service in my activity with the following call...
> > > > > > bindService(new Intent(MDService.class.getName()), mConnection,
> > > > > > Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
> > > > > > And whenever I run unbindService(mConnection); the service still
> > gets
> > > > > > destroyed.
> > > > > > On Nov 23, 1:52 pm, Mark Murphy <> wrote:
> > > > > > > G wrote:
> > > > > > > > 1) When my main activity is destroyed, my service is getting
> > > > destroyed
> > > > > > > > along with it. The service's onDestroy get's called, playback
> > > > stops,
> > > > > > > > the notification gets cleared. How can I avoid this?
> > > > > > > Have you tried making your service a remote service, one that
> > runs in
> > > > > > > its own process?
> > > >
> > ..
> > > > > > > I haven't tried a remote service yet myself, so I'm not 100%
> > certain
> > > > it
> > > > > > > will resolve this problem.
> > > > > > > --
> > > > > > > Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
> > > > > > > Android Training on the Ranch! -- Mar 16-20, 2009
> > > >
> > > --
> > > Dianne Hackborn
> > > Android framework engineer
> > >
> > > Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
> > > provide private support.  All such questions should be posted on public
> > > forums, where I and others can see and answer them.
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