Your question is framed strangely...,

Programming Android has nothing to do with Microcontrollers, other
than that Android devices typically also include a processor and some

Are you asking how to interface an Android device to a
microcontroller?  This is an inappropriate list for such questions,
however, we might be able to suggest one to you if we knew the nature
of your questions.


On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 1:37 AM, Bhavin <> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am new in micro-controller related stuff.
> please let me know,if following is possible?
> 1. I am trying to fire my application from external hardware
> interface.
> 2. I know i can fire "ADB commands" from PC.
> Is there any possibility that,some controller [I don't know
> which,please suggest] which i have already programmed in such a way
> that it fires ADB command and as a result start execution of my
> defined application?
> I need detail guidelines/ tutorial from which i can begin.
> :)
> Thanks & Regards
> --
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