yes, the res/layout/main.xml  file in the hello world example code in
the android adt reads as follows in eclipse for me:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="
    android:orientation="vertical" >

        android:text="@string/hello" />


michael brown

On Mar 22, 12:02 pm, Justin Anderson <> wrote:
> Do you have a file called res/layout/main.xml in your project?
> Thanks,
> Justin Anderson
> MagouyaWare Developer
> On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 11:00 AM, firebreather <
> > wrote:
> > when i try to run the intro example hello world code i get the error
> > message "R cannot be resolved to a variable", for the
> > "setContentView(R.layout.main)" line of the intro code. since this bug
> > is the the android adt's own intro example code everyone would
> > encounter this error starting out, and when i do i google search of R
> > cannot be resolved to a variable" error" i get 61,600,000 results of
> > newbies running into the same bug as me starting out. there havent
> > been many anwers though. one suggestion was:
> > "While going through the Android sample tutorials, I would often use
> > the Ctrl + Shift + O command to "Organize Imports" and generate any
> > missing import statements. Sometimes this would generate the incorrect
> > import statement which would hide the class that is
> > automatically generated when you build."
> > typing "Ctrl + Shift + O" does indeed make a hidden "import
> > android.R;" command suddenly appear in the example hello world code.
> > however, just commenting this out doesnt solve anything, it still
> > gives the "R cannot be resolved to a variable" message and wont
> > compile. typing Ctrl + Shift + O again just makes the hidden "import
> > android.R;" message appear again.
> > youd think since this is there own hello world example code they'd
> > have this bug fixed or addressed.
> > --
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