Questions regarding the NDK are best asked on the android-ndk Google
Group, which is the support resource for the NDK.

On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 11:24 AM, Parminder Singh <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for your precious time to look at the problem. I tried it and it was
> helpful for me, additionally I also found that the adb sever does some
> problem while debugging, it was due to HTC sync application which need to be
> turned off while running ndk-gdb command.
> Now, a new error message is appearing after fixing all these
> =================================================================================
> $ ndk-gdb
> ERROR: Could not extract package's data directory. Are you sure that
>        your installed application is debuggable?
> =================================================================================
> And debuggable is set to true in the manifest, and all of the native code is
> built with:
> LOCAL_CFLAGS           := -Wall -g
> LOCAL_LDFLAGS          := -Wl,-Map,
> Can you please suggest me what wrong am I doing?
> Pammy
> On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 10:41 PM, JP <> wrote:
>> Hmm... isn't the answer in the error message? Open jni/ in
>> your project, jump rto line 317 and use a number to represent the API
>> level, methinks.
>> API levels here:
>> On Apr 24, 11:05 pm, Pammy <> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I am facing a problem on android native code debugging, I am new user
>> > to android and trying to build an application in opengles 2.0 which
>> > coded in C/C++.
>> >
>> > At present I am not able to use the ndk-gdb. I have made all
>> > prerequisite of ndk-gdb but still not able to debug the application.
>> > For sake of simplicity I am first trying to debug the "hello-gl2"
>> > which is provided in the "android-ndk-r6b" sample package.
>> >
>> > I have made the changes in the AndroidManifest.xml where I am using
>> > attribute android:debuggable="true" in application tag.
>> >
>> > I am rebuilding the project after cleaning up.
>> > The application is running well on device however when I run the debug
>> > command that is :-
>> >
>> > application-directory >ndk-gdb
>> >
>> > It gives me the following error:-
>> >
>> >
>> > ==========================================================================
>> > Pammy@Pammy-VAIO /cygdrive/f/EDrive/AndroidDevelopment/android-ndk-r6b/
>> > samples/hello-gl2/jni
>> > $ ndk-gdb
>> > error: device offline
>> > /cygdrive/f/EDrive/AndroidDevelopment/android-ndk-r6b/ndk-gdb: line
>> > 317: return: numeric argument required
>> > ERROR: Could not find target device's supported API level!
>> > ndk-gdb will only work if your device is running Android 2.2 or
>> > higher.
>> >
>> > ==========================================================================
>> >
>> > I am getting this error on android-ndk r6b and r7b package also.
>> > I am working on windows 7 and using cygwin for build.
>> >
>> > Any help will be very appreciable.
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> > Pammy
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Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy) | |

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