That is the expected behavior.  The longer your service runs, the more
likely it is to be killed (and then restarted if you asked for it to be

On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 3:13 AM, William Kelley <>wrote:

> I have a simple Android Activity with one button to start and stop a long
> running Android Service (which does some simple logging). As soon as I
> start the service, I close the app (Activity) and the service should then
> run in the background indefinitely.
> But it doesn't. At random times, the Application object this Service
> belongs to is recreated by the OS and then my Service is as well. So it's
> not just that the Service is getting onStartCommand called, but first it
> gets onCreate called, creating a new Service. I don't know what happens to
> the old one, it just goes away - onDestroy is not called or anything.
> I run the Service as START_STICKY, I am not using the main UI thread in
> any way, so there should be no issues there. I am Logging all activity from
> the Service, logging exceptions, etc. Nothing is out of the ordinary except
> that my Service is getting recreated over and over. I just can't understand
> what the problem is.
> The Service is running fine, then boom, my Application gets an onCreate,
> my Service gets an onCreate and onStartCommand and the old Service, which
> was in the middle of logging goes, away without any notice or warning. The
> new Service starts logging. I end up with a bunch of disconnected logs
> where there should be just one.
> --
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Dianne Hackborn
Android framework engineer

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provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
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