This issue popped up for me aswell, recently.

The things I tried were:

* Generate new API key - Be sure that it is generated from the correct
Keystore that you sign your application with.
* Be sure that your project is based on Google APIs (Project >
Properties > Android)
* Also had a problem with incorrect GeoPoints which made my map gray
as you said. Debug correctly to ensure that Longitude and Latitude
values are being passed correctly.

On May 10, 2:18 am, Yogeshkumar Tiwari <>
> Hi Android Champs,
>            *  *                     * I got this error: 
> ERROR/MapActivity(258):
> Couldn't get connection factory client
> *                                i'm not able to see map only it shows gray
> square.
> i have tried so many things like generated a new api key and tri to run but
> problems remains the same.
> if any body have any idea so pls share.
> --
> With Regards:
> Yogesh Tiwari
> (Android Developer)

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