> Usually the best thing you can do for scroll performance of a list is to
> implement view recycling... Are you doing that?

Reading over this I realized that it didn't make sense... You don't
implement view recycling.  You implement the ViewHolder pattern to help
with scroll performance issues.  Hope that clarifies things...

Justin Anderson
MagouyaWare Developer

On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 7:58 AM, Justin Anderson <magouyaw...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Nope... http://lmgtfy.com/?q=android+viewholder+pattern
> Thanks,
> Justin Anderson
> MagouyaWare Developer
> http://sites.google.com/site/magouyaware
> On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 7:50 AM, jean-francois garreau <
> jean.francois.garr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> You mean  :
>> public View getChildView(int groupPosition, int childPosition, boolean 
>> isLastChild, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
>>              ObjectSubViewNew subView = null;
>>              if (convertView == null) {
>>                      subView = new ObjectSubViewNew(mainContext, kmUnit);
>>              } else {
>>                      subView = (ObjectSubViewNew) convertView;
>>              }
>>  ....
>> }
>> ?
>> Le jeudi 28 juin 2012 14:27:14 UTC+2, jean-francois garreau a écrit :
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I have a problem for optimzing my application. More particulary, an
>>> ExpandListView. I found the scroll animation pretty slow compare to what I
>>> can see on other application. I have done severals optimizations yet but
>>> now I'm faced to a lack of idea for have a fluent scroll...
>>> What have done :
>>>    1. First i start to create CustomView inherting from View
>>>    2. I saw that in log I have lots of GC
>>>    3. I have use allocationTracket in DDMS in order to see what are the
>>>    object created who could cause my GC
>>>    4. I identify lots of instanciations of String so I've modify my
>>>    model in order to carry all the string i need in order to avoid new
>>>    creations of String
>>>    5. I also try to write a reusable object corresponding to a drawable
>>>    instruction in order to skim throught all instruction during the draw 
>>> method
>>> In order to gives you all information for helping me with my code, here
>>> is a litle piece of functionnal.
>>> My app is an application which gives you the movies showtimes near your
>>> position. The expand list show thoses informations :
>>>      *Name Cinema :                                           [Image]*
>>>      distance
>>> ------------------------------**------------------------------**
>>> ------------------------------
>>>                 *Movie Name 1 :* time
>>>                 passed time 1 | passed time 2 | *nearest time* |
>>>                 futur time 1 | futur time 2
>>>                 ------------------------------**
>>> ------------------------------**-------------
>>>                 *Movie Name 2 :* time
>>>                 passed time 1 | passed time 2 | *nearest time* |
>>>                 futur time 1 | futur time 2
>>>                 ------------------------------**
>>> ------------------------------**-------------
>>> etc.
>>> As you can see, on each movie I list all showtimes for the cinema and I
>>> have a diferent display according to the current time
>>> In term of Model Object, I have this structure in my adapter :
>>> ArrayList<TheaterBean> theaterList; // The list of my cinema
>>> HashMap<String, Movie> mapMovie; // An hashmap which gives me the movie
>>> corresponding to an id
>>> The problem I'm facing now is that when i look at the log, I still have
>>> lots of GC... and when i looked to the allocationTracker i see that :
>>> In first position comes android.graphic.Bitmap from method nativeCreate
>>> and it's corresponding stack is :
>>>> android.graphics.Bitmap nativeCreate Bitmap.java -2 true
>>>> android.graphics.Bitmap createBitmap Bitmap.java 477 false
>>>> android.view.View buildDrawingCache View.java 6599 false
>>>> android.view.View getDrawingCache View.java 6450 false
>>>> android.view.ViewGroup drawChild ViewGroup.java 1571 false
>>>> android.view.ViewGroup dispatchDraw ViewGroup.java 1373 false
>>>> android.widget.AbsListView dispatchDraw AbsListView.java 1545 false
>>>> android.widget.ListView dispatchDraw ListView.java 3138 false
>>>> android.widget.**ExpandableListView dispatchDraw
>>>> ExpandableListView.java 229 false
>>>> android.view.View draw View.java 7008 false
>>>> android.widget.AbsListView draw AbsListView.java 2669 false
>>>> android.view.ViewGroup drawChild ViewGroup.java 1646 false
>>>> android.view.ViewGroup dispatchDraw ViewGroup.java 1373 false
>>>> android.view.ViewGroup drawChild ViewGroup.java 1644 false
>>>> android.view.ViewGroup dispatchDraw ViewGroup.java 1373 false
>>>> android.view.ViewGroup drawChild ViewGroup.java 1644 false
>>> In second position comes lots of  android.widget.**ExpandableListPosition
>>> comming from getRecycleCreate the stack is :
>>>> android.widget.**ExpandableListPosition getRecycledOrCreate
>>>> ExpandableListPosition.java 121 false
>>>> android.widget.**ExpandableListPosition obtain
>>>> ExpandableListPosition.java 107 false
>>>> android.widget.**ExpandableListConnector$**PositionMetadata obtain
>>>> ExpandableListConnector.java 988 false
>>>> android.widget.**ExpandableListConnector getUnflattenedPos
>>>> ExpandableListConnector.java 176 false
>>>> android.widget.**ExpandableListConnector getItemViewType
>>>> ExpandableListConnector.java 464 false
>>>> android.widget.AbsListView$**RecycleBin getScrapView AbsListView.java
>>>> 4603 false
>>>> android.widget.AbsListView obtainView AbsListView.java 1465 false
>>>> android.widget.ListView makeAndAddView ListView.java 1745 false
>>>> android.widget.ListView fillDown ListView.java 670 false
>>>> android.widget.ListView fillGap ListView.java 641 false
>>>> android.widget.AbsListView trackMotionScroll AbsListView.java 3497
>>>> false
>>>> android.widget.AbsListView$**FlingRunnable run AbsListView.java 2994
>>>> false
>>>> android.os.Handler handleCallback Handler.java 587 false
>>>> android.os.Handler dispatchMessage Handler.java 92 false
>>>> android.os.Looper loop Looper.java 130 false
>>>> android.app.ActivityThread main ActivityThread.java 3835 false
>>> After I have lots of java.lang.ref.SoftReference comming from
>>> buildDrawingCache, the stack is :
>>>> android.view.View buildDrawingCache View.java 6602 false
>>>> android.view.View getDrawingCache View.java 6450 false
>>>> android.view.ViewGroup drawChild ViewGroup.java 1571 false
>>>> android.view.ViewGroup dispatchDraw ViewGroup.java 1373 false
>>>> android.widget.AbsListView dispatchDraw AbsListView.java 1545 false
>>>> android.widget.ListView dispatchDraw ListView.java 3138 false
>>>> android.widget.**ExpandableListView dispatchDraw
>>>> ExpandableListView.java 229 false
>>>> android.view.View draw View.java 7008 false
>>>> android.widget.AbsListView draw AbsListView.java 2669 false
>>>> android.view.ViewGroup drawChild ViewGroup.java 1646 false
>>>> android.view.ViewGroup dispatchDraw ViewGroup.java 1373 false
>>>> android.view.ViewGroup drawChild ViewGroup.java 1644 false
>>>> android.view.ViewGroup dispatchDraw ViewGroup.java 1373 false
>>>> android.view.ViewGroup drawChild ViewGroup.java 1644 false
>>>> android.view.ViewGroup dispatchDraw ViewGroup.java 1373 false
>>>> android.view.ViewGroup drawChild ViewGroup.java 1644 false
>>> To resume for 512 allocations :
>>>    -  67 are coming from : android.graphics.Bitmap
>>>    - 300 are coming from : android.widget.**ExpandableListPosition
>>>    - 81 are coming from : java.lang.ref.SoftReference AND java.lang.ref.
>>>    **WeakReference
>>> So I have no idea on how to solve my problem... If you have a new device
>>> you would probably don't see the lag effect I mention. For my tests I'm
>>> using a SGS. But with the emulator we can observe the GCs
>>> All the code is available here :
>>> https://github.com/binomed/**CineShowTime-Android/blob/**
>>> master/Libraries/CineShowTime/**src/com/binomed/showtime/**
>>> android/layout/view/**ObjectSubViewNew.java<https://github.com/binomed/CineShowTime-Android/blob/master/Libraries/CineShowTime/src/com/binomed/showtime/android/layout/view/ObjectSubViewNew.java>
>>> for the child view
>>> https://github.com/binomed/**CineShowTime-Android/blob/**
>>> master/Libraries/CineShowTime/**src/com/binomed/showtime/**
>>> android/layout/view/**ObjectMasterView.java<https://github.com/binomed/CineShowTime-Android/blob/master/Libraries/CineShowTime/src/com/binomed/showtime/android/layout/view/ObjectMasterView.java>
>>> for the group view
>>> https://github.com/binomed/**CineShowTime-Android/blob/**
>>> master/Libraries/CineShowTime/**src/com/binomed/showtime/**
>>> android/adapter/view/**AbstractResultAdapter.java<https://github.com/binomed/CineShowTime-Android/blob/master/Libraries/CineShowTime/src/com/binomed/showtime/android/adapter/view/AbstractResultAdapter.java>
>>> for the adpater (It's an utlity class but we find the sames methods as in
>>> ExpandableAdapter)
>>> the curent version on market only have the optimization of CustomView. :
>>> https://play.google.com/**store/apps/details?id=com.**
>>> binomed.showtime&feature=**search_result#?t=**
>>> W251bGwsMSwyLDEsImNvbS5iaW5vbW**VkLnNob3d0aW1lIl0.<https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.binomed.showtime&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsImNvbS5iaW5vbWVkLnNob3d0aW1lIl0.>
>>> I'm open to all new idea for making my application faster :)
>>> Maybe by not invoking the requestLayout each time I set a movie but each
>>> time a scroll is ended ?
>>> If you have any question don't hesitate.
>>> regards
>>>  --
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