am also failing into same thing. tried many things but no success.

did you manage to get it done any now?

thanks a lot.

On Thursday, January 13, 2011 4:30:12 AM UTC+5:30, H wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm calling the AccountManager like this:
> accountManagerFutureOld = mAccountManager.getAuthToken(mAccount, "cl", 
> false, null, null);
> The Account being passed in is a Google account (type="").
> This works perfectly well for thousands of users of my app. But a handful 
> of times each day, some users are getting this error
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: unknown authTokenType
> at 
> android.accounts.AccountManager.convertErrorToException(
> at android.accounts.AccountManager.access$500(
> at 
> android.accounts.AccountManager$AmsTask$Response.onError(
> at 
> android.accounts.IAccountManagerResponse$Stub.onTransact(
> at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
> at Method)
> This isn't an exception that the javadoc says comes from this method!
> I think this is coming from the 
> AbstractAccountAuthenticator.getAuthTokenLabel(IAccountAuthenticatorResponse, 
> String) who in turn catches this exception from the concrete 
> authenticator's getAuthTokenLabel(String) method. I've decompiled the gsf 
> and looked in this method, but can't see any throw of 
> an IllegalArgumentException in there. All it really does is call the 
> PackageManager.getPermissionInfo() and retrieve attributes of the 
> PermissionInfo returned.
> Looking at the details for the reports, I *think* these reports are only 
> coming from non google devices - for example the reported models include 
> MID-7AS, XT800, EFREN II, etc. I don't see any mentions of nice devices 
> like Desire or Nexus, etc.
> At first I thought this was just people forcing my app onto a non gapps 
> device, but the fact that they have a Google account on the device which 
> can be happily enumerated and retrieved using the standard api (i.e. 
> makes me think they at least have the full google services 
> framework otherwise they wouldn't have the GoogleLoginService.
> So does anyone know exactly what this error thinks is missing..? Is there 
> any way to spot this before trying the call?

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