> There should be an error message appearing to the right of the "Bad 
> notification for startForeground:" portion of your message, based upon 
> the source code that I am reading. Are you sure there is nothing 
> there? Posting the entire stack trace is considered a fairly 
> conventional step when you seek assistance for issues like this. 

Thanks for your response Mark. The rest of the stack trace is:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: contentIntent required: 
pkg=com.brandall.nutter id=1079820303 

There's nothing else relevant in the output. 

> Also, have you tried switching to Notification.Builder or 
> NotificationCompat.Builder? 

I'm targeting 2.2, so couldn't use Notification.Builder. Thank you for 
pointing out the Compat builder, I can't believe I hadn't come across that 
anywhere in my many hours of trying to resolve this...I'll try it. 

> "com.android.settings.TTS_SETTINGS" is not part of the Android SDK, 
> near as I can tell, so you should not be using it in the first place. 
> [SNIP] 

 It is fairly safe to 
> assume that not all devices will offer an activity for this 
> undocumented and unsupported action. 
> Then, and only then, file an issue on http://b.android.com. 

Point taken thanks - I should have clarified that I'd tried a null activity 
as well as an activity to open my application and eventually the TTS 
Settings. In all cases successful for 99% of my users. The remaining 1%, no 

Thanks for the link. 

> -- 
> Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy) 
> http://commonsware.com | http://github.com/commonsguy 
> http://commonsware.com/blog | http://twitter.com/commonsguy 
> _The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 3.7 Available! 

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