I looked through the FAQs for download issues and scanned through the 
forums, but didn't see this particular question. Please forgive me if it's 
been asked and answered elsewhere. 

This is on a personal non-work computer. I'm the administrator on the 
This was a brand new installation of the JDK, Eclipse, and the ADK.

With help from a brief tutorial, I was able to install the JDK to 
C:\Program Files\Java\jre7 and edited my environment variables path in 
Advanced System Settings to include
c:\program files\java\jdk1.7.0_05\bin\  .  Off hand, it looks like I've 
installed to one folder and the bin file is in a different folder under jdk 
1.7.0_05\bin. In the tutorial that I viewed, it mentioned that you had to 
specific with the exact version that you were using. 

Then I installed Eclipse SDK also in the C:\Program Files folder. I read 
that no adjustment was necessary to the environment variables. 
At this point, it was suggested that I try Eclipse to find out how it was 
going so far. I opened Eclipse, chose my workgroup, and chose "File, New, 
Java Project" as suggested and was prompted for a project name. It seems as 
though everything was going great so far with no hitches. ... so far so 

Finally, I installed the JDK in the C:\Program Files folder. After I 
finished, then I edited my environment variables path in Advanced System 
Settings to include
c:\program files (x86)\android-sdk\tools\ .  I wasn't sure why it was 
necessary to add the  ( x86 ) and the -sdk to the path , but this was from 
a trusted source. 
I went out to http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse from Help and 
Install New Software. I downloaded everything that was suggested.

However, this is where I ran into trouble. When I opened Eclipse, as an 
Administrator ( per the suggestion in the tutorial), I was supposed to 
choose File, New, and see the option for "Android Project", but it wasn't 
included in the menu. 

In troubleshooting, I tried changing the environment variables path 
dropping the (x86) and the -sdk. Then I tried dropping just the -sdk and 
leaving the (x86) and vice versa. I tried reinstalling the tools
from http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse , but I received a message 
that the components had already been installed on this pc. 

In order to provide as many details as was necessary, I decided to go out 
and check the version number of the software (version 4.2.0 ..the latest 
version at the Eclipse website) . I saw a button for "Installation Details" 
which I clicked on. Android DDMS, Android Development Tools, Android 
Hierarchy Viewer, Android Native Development Tools, Android TraceView, 
Eclipse SDK, and Tracer for Open GLES are all in the list under Installed 
Software. Under Features , that whole host of software is included in 
addition to the Dalvik Debug Monitor. They're also included under Plug-Ins. 

In one thread on the forum, I saw where an additional Google plug-in was 
suggested to a user who was having an installation problem, BUT I was 
afraid to possibly add additional problems to resolve. 

Thanks, in advance, for any help you can provide

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