Below is my code and I'm trying to send string commands to a non-Android 
device when I enter a command in an editable text and click a button, its 
not working! what am I doing wrong?

button.setOnClickListener(new Button.OnClickListener() { //click button(of 
            public void onClick(View v) {
             viewtext.setText(edittext2.getText()); //convert editable text 
to text view
             cmd = viewtext.toString(); //convert text view to string
             mbuttonclicks.start(); //some silly sound effect
             try {
             URL newUrl = new URL("";); //start new local 
url connection
             URLConnection conn = newUrl.openConnection();  //open it

                    OutputStream outputStream = null; // start output 
stream to send msg to url
                   try {
                       if(cmd != null){ //if there's a command then do the 
                           outputStream = conn.getOutputStream();
                           BufferedOutputStream stream = new 
BufferedOutputStream(outputStream); //use buffered output 
                           stream.write(cmd.getBytes()); //convert to bytes 
and send
                           stream.flush(); //clean up leftover characters

                       }}//command sent
                   catch (IOException ex) {

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