
On Friday, September 14, 2012 7:20:58 PM UTC+1, jags wrote:
> Hi All,
> Iam working on application which should get default keyboard is caps any 
> one have idea please help for this how to approach
> <EditText
>         android:id=*"@+id/et_reg_firstname"*
>         android:layout_width=*"350dp"*
>         android:layout_height=*"wrap_content"*
>         android:layout_alignLeft=*"@+id/textView6"*
>         android:layout_below=*"@+id/textView6"*
>         android:layout_marginTop=*"10dp"*
>         android:background=*"@drawable/editextxml"*
>         android:imeOptions=*"actionNext"*
>         android:paddingLeft=*"15dp"*
>         android:singleLine=*"true"* />
> when pressed edit textbox button iam getting defaultly lowercase 
> keyboard.But Irequired exactly uppercase keyboard when pressed.
> Please guide me in right direction

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