I gather from your followup that you found your answer, so I will indulge 
in a mini-code review for you.

bob wrote:
> package com.gyro_test;
> By long-standing and official convention, don't use underscores in Java 
package names or other identifiers, 
except for constant variable names.

> import android.hardware.Sensor; 
import android.hardware.SensorEvent;
> import android.hardware.SensorEventListener;
> public class Gyro_Listener implements SensorEventListener {
> No underscore.

> final float nanosecondsPerSecond = 1.0f / 100000000.0f;

> private long lastTime = 0;
> final float[] angle = new float[3];
> @Override
> public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy) {
>  // TODO Auto-generated method stub
> }
>  @Override
> public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent sensorEvent) {
>  if (lastTime != 0) {
> final float dT = (sensorEvent.timestamp - lastTime)
You need indentation. Your lack of indentation is very disturbing.

Why 'float' and not 'double'? Ordinarily you'd want 'double'. You'll lose 
precision in this calculation.
Well, you might lose precision with 'double', too, but not as much.

   * nanosecondsPerSecond;
>  angle[0] += sensorEvent.values[0] * dT;
>  angle[1] += sensorEvent.values[1] * dT;
>  angle[2] += sensorEvent.values[2] * dT;
>  }
> lastTime = sensorEvent.timestamp;
>   System.out.println("angle0 = " + angle[0] + ", angle1 = " + angle[1] + 
> ", angle2 = " + angle[2]);
>  }
> }

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