On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 2:36 PM, Subodh Nijsure
<subodh.nijs...@gmail.com> wrote:
>     We don't want this upload process to happen in context of UI hence
> the service.

Please use a single process, and simply have the upload work be done
in a background thread.

> I read the commons ware book (page 459 to be specific)  and the
> database instance that content provider uses singleton database object
> based off of getActivity().getApplicationContext().

Page 459 does not say this.

It says that you need to use a single SQLiteDatabase object if you
want SQLiteDatabase to help with thread safety. Page 459 does not
address ContentProvider at all.

> Now the question is -- what happens if the service (3) is using the
> content provider and user starts the UI (1)  that also attempts to use
> the same content provider, is the UI going to experience issue opening
> the database, is it going to encounter ANR?

Possibly. SQLite implements process-level locking -- you use it all
the time from, say, Ruby. I have not played with its effects on
Android, as I don't waste the user's RAM and CPU with extra processes.

> Put other way,  does the content provider run in its own process?

It runs in the process that the rest of your components run in, normally.

> And
> are requests & responses to content provider serialized?

I do not think so, but I have been confused on this particular point before.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
http://commonsware.com | http://github.com/commonsguy
http://commonsware.com/blog | http://twitter.com/commonsguy

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