On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 2:17 AM, Jonas Petersson <catel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> For the record: The Swedish version is not particularly good either -
> basically the sort of correct words in random order. My translation would be
> something like:
> "Här kan du ställa och svara på frågor om applikationsutveckling på Android"
> However, even that doesn't quite flow naturally IMHO. Rephrasing it
> radically might be better.

So long as the translation explains what the links are providing
(places for developers to ask questions or contribute answers), it
does not have to be a literal translation of my English words.

The objective is to allow somebody who speaks, say, Swedish, but not
much English, to find the Swedish section (hence, the links at the
top) and understand what the links will do for them. I am certainly
open to other suggestions of how to achieve this objective.

BTW, I replaced the Google Translate translation with yours -- thanks!

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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