Are you sure the uri coming into the method is not null?

On Tuesday, December 11, 2012 10:19:13 PM UTC-5, Hilda Chen wrote:

> public int getCount(Uri uri){
>         Cursor c=null;
>         int size=0;
>         if(uri.equals(DatabaseContants.CONTENT_URI_SETTING)){
>             c=mContentResolver.query(uri, 
> DatabaseContants.COLUMNS_SETTING,null, null,null);
>         }
>         else if(uri.equals(DatabaseContants.CONTENT_URI_FAVORITEPOI)){
>             Log.v(TAG,"ContentResolver is "+mContentResolver);
>             c=mContentResolver.query(uri, 
> DatabaseContants.COLUMNS_FAVORITEPOI,null, 
> null,DatabaseContants.PLACEID_FAVORITE+" DESC");
>             Log.v(TAG,"Cursor c is "+c);
>         }
>         if(c!=null&&c.getCount()>0)size=c.getCount();
>         c.close();
>         return size;
>     }
> the error appears in this function.
> 在 2012年12月12日星期三UTC+8上午11时13分55秒,Hilda Chen写道:
>> Hi All:
>>   I create a datatbase with provider and get the data by content 
>> resolver.  when call ContentResolver.insert is ok, but 
>> ContentResolver.query fail.
>>      c=mContentResolver.query(uri, 
>> DatabaseContants.COLUMNS_FAVORITEPOI,null, 
>> null,DatabaseContants.PLACEID_FAVORITE+" DESC");
>>   it return null, and the ContentResolver is not null;
>>   the log is 
>>   06-02 03:31:34.235: E/AndroidRuntime(23134): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
>> 06-02 03:31:34.235: E/AndroidRuntime(23134): java.lang.RuntimeException: 
>> Unable to start activity 
>> ComponentInfo{com.example.providerdatabase/com.example.providerdatabase.PrivoterDatabaseActivity}:
>> java.lang.NullPointerException
>> 06-02 03:31:34.235: E/AndroidRuntime(23134):     at 
>> 06-02 03:31:34.235: E/AndroidRuntime(23134):     at 
>> 06-02 03:31:34.235: E/AndroidRuntime(23134):     at 
>> 06-02 03:31:34.235: E/AndroidRuntime(23134):     at 
>> 06-02 03:31:34.235: E/AndroidRuntime(23134):     at 
>> android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
>> 06-02 03:31:34.235: E/AndroidRuntime(23134):     at 
>> android.os.Looper.loop(
>> 06-02 03:31:34.235: E/AndroidRuntime(23134):     at 
>> 06-02 03:31:34.235: E/AndroidRuntime(23134):     at 
>> java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
>> 06-02 03:31:34.235: E/AndroidRuntime(23134):     at 
>> java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>> 06-02 03:31:34.235: E/AndroidRuntime(23134):     at 
>> 06-02 03:31:34.235: E/AndroidRuntime(23134):     at 
>> 06-02 03:31:34.235: E/AndroidRuntime(23134):     at 
>> dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
>> 06-02 03:31:34.235: E/AndroidRuntime(23134): Caused by: 
>> java.lang.NullPointerException
>> 06-02 03:31:34.235: E/AndroidRuntime(23134):     at 
>> com.example.providerdatabase.DatabaseController.getCount(
>> 06-02 03:31:34.235: E/AndroidRuntime(23134):     at 
>> com.example.providerdatabase.PrivoterDatabaseActivity.onCreate(
>> 06-02 03:31:34.235: E/AndroidRuntime(23134):     at 
>> 06-02 03:31:34.235: E/AndroidRuntime(23134):     at 
>> 06-02 03:31:34.235: E/AndroidRuntime(23134):     at 
>> 06-02 03:31:34.235: E/AndroidRuntime(23134):     ... 11 more
>> can you help me?
>> Thanks!
>> Hilda

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