On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 3:37 PM, Lew <lewbl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Kristopher Micinski wrote:
>> I don't really think that would be of any use to the Android team and
>> seems like kind of a time waste: I don't really see how that would
>> make economic sense for Google.
>> Developing an IDE is extremely nontrivial, eclipse has thousands of
>> developers over the course of years and it still really sucks, I don't
>> think Google could do better without a lot of effort invested, and I
>> don't think it would help any of their developers (since I doubt too
>> many Google developers really use eclipse all that much anyway..)
> Based on what do you have this doubt? How many is "too many"?
> How much is "all that much"? Do you have statistics?

It mostly seems to me like you're asking for statistics to try to make
my answer seem irrelevant, because I honestly don't see any reason why
I (a non Google employee) would have access to financial decisions or
figures about the company.

What is "all that much?" with respect to Google eclipse usage?  It's a
few posts on this forum and android-platform, reinforced by Google
devs which has led me to believe that most Android developers (working
on the lower level side of things) are using emacs or some other
environment anyway: Eclipse doesn't really fit there as well.

But maybe I'm wrong, and people at Google actually really love eclipse
and would love to make it better.

I couldn't find "too many" in my response anyway, so I'm not sure what
you're referencing, but Eclipse has thousands of developers, depending
on whether or not you specify core functionality or common extensions.

It's no doubt that Eclipse could use some work as a whole, it kills it
with memory, it's quite slow, and regularly breaks on commonly used
extensions for updated verions.  (This isn't really Google's fault,
building an IDE is an entire project by itself...)

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