Try extending the class with ListActivity instead of Activity.  Then
make sure you change the linearLayout to a ListView in layout file and
give it an attribute of android:id="@+id/list"

On Feb 5, 12:42 am, dileep singh <> wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> As  suggested by u ,i am using the same code.this is my code:-
> But its returning blank screen,eventhough in conatct application  i have
> added the name,phone no. and email..
> *
> import*;
> *
> import* android.content.ContentUris;
> *
> import* android.database.Cursor;
> *
> import*;
> *
> import* android.os.Bundle;
> *
> import* android.provider.Contacts.People;
> *
> import* android.util.Log;
> *
> import* android.widget.ListAdapter;
> *
> import* android.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter;
> *
> public* *class* GetEmail *extends* Activity {
> /** Called when the activity is first created. */
> *private* ListAdapter mAdapter;
> *public* *static* *final* String[] *METHODS_PROJECTION* = *new* String[] {
> People.ContactMethods.*_ID*,
> People.ContactMethods.*KIND*,
> People.ContactMethods.*DATA*,
> People.ContactMethods.*TYPE*,
> People.ContactMethods.*LABEL*,
> People.ContactMethods.*ISPRIMARY*,
> };
> Uri mUri;
> @Override
> *public* *void* onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
> *super*.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
> setContentView(R.layout.*main*);
>  mUri = 
> ContentUris.*withAppendedId*(Uri.*parse*("content://contacts/people"),1);
> //1 is the ID of the first created contact
> Uri methodsUri = Uri.*withAppendedPath*(mUri,People.ContactMethods.*
> Cursor methodsCursor = getContentResolver().query
> (methodsUri,*METHODS_PROJECTION*, "kind=1", *null*, *null*);
> String[] columns = *new* String[]{People.*_ID*}; // Comment
> *int*[] names = *new* *int*[]{*row_entry*};
> Log.*i*("Cursor", "Count = " + methodsCursor.getCount());
> mAdapter = *new* SimpleCursorAdapter(*this*, R.layout.*main*, methodsCursor,
> columns, names);
> *this*.setListAdapter(mAdapter);
> }
> *
> private* *void* setListAdapter(ListAdapter adapter) {
> // *TODO* Auto-generated method stub
> }
> }
> main.xml:-
> <?xml version=*"1.0"* encoding=*"utf-8"*?>
> <LinearLayout xmlns:android=*""*
> android:orientation=*"horizontal"*
> android:layout_width=*"fill_parent"*
> android:layout_height=*"wrap_content"*
> <TextView
> android:layout_width=*"wrap_content"*
> android:layout_height=*"wrap_content"*
> android:text=*"email: "
> *
> />
> <TextView
> android:id=*"@+id/row_entry"*
> android:layout_width=*"wrap_content"*
> android:layout_height=*"wrap_content"*
> android:text=*"Name: "*
> />
> </LinearLayout>
> AndroidManifest:
> <?xml version=*"1.0"* encoding=*"utf-8"*?>
> <manifest xmlns:android=*"";
> *
> package=*""
> *
> android:versionCode=*"1"
> *
> android:versionName=*"1.0.0"*>
> <uses-permission android:name=*"android.permission.READ_CONTACTS"*/>
> <uses-permission android:name=*"android.permission.CALL_PHONE"*/>
> <application android:icon=*"@drawable/icon"* android:label=*
> "@string/app_name"*>
> <activity android:name=*".GetEmail"
> *
> android:label=*"@string/app_name"*>
> <intent-filter>
> <action android:name=*"android.intent.action.MAIN"* />
> <category android:name=*"android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"* />
> </intent-filter>
> </activity>
> </application>
> </manifest>
> On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 10:09 PM, dileep singh 
> <>wrote:
> > Thank you very much Mark.I will try this code and will let you know.once
> > again thanks.
> > On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 9:12 PM, Mark Roberts <> wrote:
> >> import;
> >> import android.content.ContentUris;
> >> import android.database.Cursor;
> >> import;
> >> import android.os.Bundle;
> >> import android.provider.Contacts.People;
> >> import android.util.Log;
> >> public class Start extends Activity {
> >>    /** Called when the activity is first created. */
> >>    public static final String[] METHODS_PROJECTION = new String[] {
> >>        People.ContactMethods._ID,
> >>        People.ContactMethods.KIND,
> >>        People.ContactMethods.DATA,
> >>        People.ContactMethods.TYPE,
> >>        People.ContactMethods.LABEL,
> >>        People.ContactMethods.ISPRIMARY,
> >>    };
> >>    Uri mUri;
> >>   �...@override
> >>    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
> >>        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
> >>        setContentView(R.layout.main);
> >>    mUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Uri.parse("content://contacts/
> >> people"), 1); //1 is the ID of the first created contact
> >>    Uri methodsUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(mUri,
> >>    People.ContactMethods.CONTENT_DIRECTORY);
> >>    Cursor methodsCursor = getContentResolver().query
> >> (methodsUri,METHODS_PROJECTION, "kind=1", null, null);
> >>    Log.i("Cursor", "Count = " + methodsCursor.getCount());
> >>    }
> >> }
> >> On Feb 4, 4:44 am, dileep singh <> wrote:
> >> > Hi Mark,
> >> > Can u give me some sample code?I am not able to get email with the above
> >> > code.
> >> > please provide me somple code
> >> > On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 12:53 AM, dileep singh <
> >>>wrote:
> >> > > Thanks a lot mark.I will try the above code.
> >>  > > On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 10:46 PM, Mark Roberts <>
> >> wrote:
> >> > >> If you are looking for the emails for  a specific contact then you
> >> > >> could do it like this where id is the id of the contact for which you
> >> > >> are trying to get the data:
> >> > >> public static final String[] METHODS_PROJECTION = new String[] {
> >> > >>        People.ContactMethods._ID,
> >> > >>        People.ContactMethods.KIND,
> >> > >>        People.ContactMethods.DATA,
> >> > >>        People.ContactMethods.TYPE,
> >> > >>        People.ContactMethods.LABEL,
> >> > >>        People.ContactMethods.ISPRIMARY,
> >> > >>    };
> >> > >> mUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Uri.parse("content://contacts/
> >> > >> people"), id)
> >> > >> Uri methodsUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(mUri,
> >> > >> People.ContactMethods.CONTENT_DIRECTORY);
> >> > >> Cursor methodsCursor = getContentResolver().query(methodsUri,
> >> > >> METHODS_PROJECTION, "kind=1", null, null);
> >> > >> On Feb 3, 12:05 pm, dilu <> wrote:
> >> > >> > Hi,
> >> > >> > Please tell me how to get lists of email from contact application
> >> in
> >> > >> > android?If possible then please provide me some sample code or
> >> > >> > tutorial on this.
> >> > >> > please help me.
> >> > >> > Thanks
> >> > >> > dileep
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