I figured out what was causing my particular problem.  Both the method
that draws the SurfaceView and the method that handles the touch
events were synchronized with the same object.  I'm guessing the
delays were caused because the touch event handler method couldn't
access this object while the drawing method was running... which was
just about all the time.  To resolve the problem, all I had to do was
remove the synchronization from the touch event handler method and
modify my drawing method so that it accessed the camera's location
only once (which I would have done in the first place had I been
writing efficient code).

I'm feeling pretty dumb for missing that... but thank you nonetheless
for your helpful responses!  They definitely got me thinking toward
the solution.

On Feb 6, 7:58 pm, Al <alcapw...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi, have you checked the trace file that is written when an anr
> occurs? It shoud be in /data/anr with the filename traces.txt. This
> will show exactly what was running and at what line of code when the
> anr popped up and should help locate the problem code.
> On Feb 6, 7:03 pm, Zombies and Robots <caecus...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello.
> > I am working on a game that displays its graphics through a modified
> > SurfaceView.  The game scrolls around a map based on the location of
> > the main character.  That all works fine.
> > I am trying to add a feature to the game that allows you to touch the
> > screen and drag the camera around to see other parts of the map.  This
> > is where I am running into trouble.  The game's SurfaceView overrides
> > 'public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event)' to call another
> > method in the game's thread which handles the events.  Sometimes, this
> > works fine (although the frame rate drops significantly while the
> > screen is touched).  Other times, there will be a delay of several
> > seconds before the game responds to a touch event, during which time
> > the game continues, but the user loses all control.  During these
> > delays, a message sometimes appears stating that my activity is not
> > responding, and giving the options to 'Force close' or 'Wait'.  If the
> > user selects 'Wait', the game almost always resumes right away, but
> > these delays are obviously not acceptable.
> > The delays occur only the first time the screen is touched after the
> > game is started.  Once the game has resumed after a delay, the touch
> > events work just fine again.
> > I have experimented with having the game thread sleep for short
> > periods at various points throughout the game.  Although this does
> > seem to have a small effect on the problem, the delays still happen.
> > Has anyone else run into this?  What am I doing wrong?
> > Thank you very much for any suggestions you can provide.
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