Yes. I am pretty sorry for my carelessness when extracting the related code 
new MyAsyncTask.execute() should be new MyAsyncTask(this).execute(). 
As for the MyAsyncTask:
public class MyAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Void,Void,Void>{ //do network 
 private Fragment*A* fragment;

 public MyAsyncTask(Fragment*A* fragmentA){
  fragment = fragmentA;
If there is any mistake, please feel free to correct me.

Piren於 2013年9月15日星期日UTC+8下午8時08分31秒寫道:

> and did you use that constructor? because the code snippet shows you've 
> used the default constructor
> On Sunday, September 15, 2013 1:52:22 PM UTC+3, Greenhand wrote:
>> Thanks for pointing out the mistakes. The whole code is too long to post 
>> and maintain readability so I just put some snippet. The "MyAsyncTask  
>>  having a constructor named GetTokenAsyncTask" is  a typo, the constructor 
>> should named MyAsyncTask.
>> As for ProgressFragment, I use its toString() method to check using 
>> Log.d(). They are the same across rotation.
>> 2013/9/15 Piren <>
>>> It's hard to follow your code since it seems some of it is incorrect 
>>> (like  MyAsyncTask   having a constructor named GetTokenAsyncTask) and some 
>>> of it is missing...
>>> Either way you should verify you actually used that constructor (in the 
>>> current code you don't, so the member "fragment" is null).Either case, you 
>>> should also verify that the proper ProgressFragment is being set during 
>>> onAttach of FragmentA since i assume a new one will be created after 
>>> rotation (though i'm not sure about that).
>>> Since this isn't that much code, you should probably just find a 
>>> tutorial on how to do that (there's a lot of those online) and start from 
>>> scratch (just so you wouldn't miss something)
>>> On Sunday, September 15, 2013 1:30:20 PM UTC+3, Greenhand wrote:
>>>> I use appcompat library to host some fragments for tabs. In a specific 
>>>> fragment A, I need to do network operation. In order not to block the UI 
>>>> thread, I use an AsyncTask and do the network operation in 
>>>> doInBackGround(). 
>>>> To prevent messing around keep AsyncTask to survive rotation in the 
>>>> fragment, I call setRetainInstance(true) in the fragment A oncreate().
>>>> It works fine but I need to prompt user something when the network 
>>>> operation is in progress. Therefore, I use DialogFragment. In the 
>>>> DialogFragment onCreateView(), it instantiates a ProgressDialog and 
>>>> returns.
>>>> To be concrete, the following is the code snippets of FragmentA, 
>>>> MyDialogFragment and AsyncTask :
>>>> public class FragmentA extends Fragment{ //as tab for actionbar 
>>>> (appcompat)
>>>>  private boolean isNetworkOperationCalled;
>>>>  private MyDialogFragment myDialogFragment;
>>>>  ...
>>>>  public void showProgressDialog(){ //for MyAsyncTask#onPreExecute()
>>>>   myDialogFragment = new MyDialogFragment();
>>>>**getFragmentManager(), "mydialog");
>>>>  }
>>>>  public void showProgressDialog(){ //for MyAsyncTask#onPostExecute()
>>>>   myDialogFragment.dismiss(); 
>>>>  }
>>>>  public void onResume() {
>>>>   if(!**isNetworkOperationCalled){
>>>>    isNetworkOperationCalled=true;
>>>>    new MyAsyncTask.execute();//do the network operation
>>>>   }
>>>>  }
>>>>  ...
>>>> }
>>>> public class MyDialogFragment extends DialogFragment{ //ProgressDialog 
>>>> for FragmentA
>>>>  ...
>>>>  public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
>>>>   ProgressDialog progressDialog = new ProgressDialog(getActivity(),**
>>>> ProgressDialog.STYLE_SPINNER);
>>>>   ... //set the dialog attributes
>>>>   return progressDialog;
>>>>  }
>>>>  ...
>>>> }
>>>> public class MyAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Void,Void,Void>{ //do 
>>>> network operation
>>>>  private Fragment fragment;
>>>>  public GetTokenAsyncTask(Fragment fragmentA){
>>>>   fragment = fragmentA;
>>>>  }
>>>>  protected void onPreExecute() {
>>>>   fragment.showProgressDialog(**); //show progess dialog for users
>>>>  }
>>>>  protected String doInBackground(Void... arg0) {
>>>>   ...
>>>>  }
>>>>  protected void onPostExecute() { //dismiss the dialog
>>>>   fragment.**dismissProgressDialog();
>>>>  }
>>>> }
>>>> In a nutshell, fragment A triggers AsyncTask and AsyncTask call methods 
>>>> of FragmentA to show/dismiss dialog. Fragment A use MyDialogFragment to 
>>>> show the progress dialog.
>>>> The code (method) above works if there is no rotataion occurs while 
>>>> doInBackground() is executing. Nevertheless, if the rotation happens 
>>>> before 
>>>> onPostExecute() is called, 
>>>> the rotation is fine and the progress dialog is retained. Sadly, it 
>>>> crashes when onPostExecute() finally be called when dismissing the dialog.
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(27493): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(27493): java.lang.NullPointerException
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(27493):  at**DialogFragment.**
>>>> dismissInternal(**
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(27493):  at**
>>>> DialogFragment.dismiss(**
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(27493):  at com.example.FragmentA.**
>>>> dismissProgressDialog(**
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(27493):  at com.example.FragmentA.access$**
>>>> 1(
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(27493):  at com.example.FragmentA$**GetTokenAsyncTask.
>>>> **onPostExecute(**40)
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(27493):  at com.example.FragmentA$**GetTokenAsyncTask.
>>>> **onPostExecute(**1)
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(27493):  at android.os.AsyncTask.finish(**
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(27493):  at android.os.AsyncTask.access$**
>>>> 600(
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(27493):  at android.os.AsyncTask$**
>>>> InternalHandler.handleMessage(**
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(27493):  at android.os.Handler.**
>>>> dispatchMessage(**99)
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(27493):  at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.**java:137)
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(27493):  at**
>>>> main(
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(27493):  at 
>>>> java.lang.reflect.Method.**invokeNative(Native 
>>>> Method)
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(27493):  at java.lang.reflect.Method.**
>>>> invoke(
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(27493):  at**ZygoteInit$**
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(27493):  at**
>>>> ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.**java:571)
>>>> E/AndroidRuntime(27493):  at dalvik.system.NativeStart.**main(Native 
>>>> Method)
>>>> How can I solve the problem so that the dialog can dismiss correctly 
>>>> after rotation?

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