I have the TrivialDrive app working but I still have a question on 
consumable purchases . . .

The app starts out in the onCreate event doing a queryInventoryAsync call 
to see what the inventory for this user is and, among other products, it 
checks to see if there is any gas in the google inventory. But it seems to 
me that there will never be any gas because whenever the user buys gas we 
"consume" it making a consumeAsync call.

It seems a gas inventory is never kept on the google servers and that the 
consumeAsync just accomplishes the billing of the consumable. (maybe it 
should be called billForConsumableAsync instead of consumeAsync?)

The TrivialDrive app is always keeping the consumable inventory in shared 
preferences memory.

If this is all true, so far then why does the app check for a gas inventory 
on the google server. There never will be any.

Also, if the user runs my app on another device, he won't see his gas 
inventory because it's being kept on the other device's memory.

So, my understanding is that with in-app billing, consumable inventory is 
never kept on the google servers - it must be managed by the app. That 
seems to be the wrong way to handle it.

What don't I understand? Thanks, Gary

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