Hi All,

I have an app which displays a notification from a service (and the service 
shows notification icon etc etc).
The notification works fine till Android 4.3, I think it also works on 4.4 
(not 100% sure). But it definitely does not work with 5.1.

This is the code I have at the moment (which is not working on Lolipop).

private void displayNotification(){

        String ns = Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE ;
        NotificationManager mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager) 
        int icon = R.drawable.ns_small ;
        CharSequence ticketText = "Some Text";
        long when = System.currentTimeMillis();
        Notification notification = new Notification  ( icon, ticketText, 
when );
        notification.flags = Notification.FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT ;
        Context context = getApplicationContext() ;
        CharSequence  contentTitle = "Some more text";
        CharSequence contentText = "Again some more text";
        Intent notificationIntent = new Intent (this, MainActivity.class);
        PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity (context, 
0, notificationIntent, 0 );
        notification.setLatestEventInfo(context, contentTitle, contentText, 
contentIntent );
        mNotificationManager.notify( NOTIFICATION_ID, notification );


I tried to find out from documentation. I can see that notification API is 
changed in 5.0. Main question is, if I use the new API, will it work on 
earlier versions of Android ??
At this point in time, there are more Android 3.X and 4.X based devices 
than 5.X. So, I want to application to run across all these versions.
How can I do that ?

Thanks in advance.

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