How would I detect the orientation to set the layout?

I am trying Timo's tip on the 0px, layout_weight=1

On Feb 13, 12:30 pm, loty <> wrote:
> I would also suggest using different layout files for different screen
> sizes andorientation. It works very well and much easier to control
> than any 'smart' resizing code. Look into API docs for explanation of
> resource folder naming conventions.
> On Feb 12, 7:26 pm, Timo Bruck <> wrote:
> > Android will automatically re-layout your views based onorientation(and
> > screen size, too!), but you need to give it flexibility in setting the view
> > sizes to do that.
> > I try to avoid using absolute dimensions for anything other than padding or
> > when I want a view to be a certain size regardless of screen size (e.g. the
> > height of a button).
> > I think what you want to do is set the layout_height of your EditText and
> > WebViews to 0px, and then add a layout_weight="1" to each of them. This will
> > tell Android to divide up any extra screen space between those two views
> > equally.
> > Alternatively, you could also have two different layout files (one for
> > landscape and one for portrait).
> > -Timo
> > On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 3:54 PM, David <> wrote:
> > > Hello, I need to have my viewresizeitself based on theorientation.
> > > After extensive googling (maybe i was using the wrong terms) I could
> > > find nothing telling me how to detect when theorientationwas
> > > changed. Here is my layout file:
> > > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> > > <LinearLayout xmlns:android="
> > > android"
> > >    android:orientation="vertical"
> > >    android:layout_width="fill_parent"
> > >    android:layout_height="fill_parent"
> > >        <EditText android:id="@+id/htmledit"
> > >                android:layout_width="fill_parent"
> > >                android:layout_height="200px"
> > >                />
> > >        <WebView android:id="@+id/htmlview"
> > >                android:layout_width="fill_parent"
> > >                android:layout_height="200px"
> > >                />
> > > </LinearLayout>
> > > how do I have it automaticallyresizeitself? I want each item (the
> > > EditText and the WebView) to fill half the screen (not counting the
> > > title/notification bars). I set the height to absolute and not
> > > wrap_content because wrap_content defaults to 1 line for EditText and
> > > nothing for WebView. and fill_parent has the EditText on top of the
> > > WebView.
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