
I am developing an App that intercepts the request and process them and 
then updates send the WebResourcesResponse.   The code works with no issues 
on 4.2 but when I try it in 5.0 the function shouldInterceptRequest never 
sees the request.  I know that there was an update on the library and I 
have made the modifications but I do not see any requests being processed. 
 As you can see I have added a toast message to tell me if we enter the 
shouldInterceptRequest function but I never see the message.   The requests 
that are being processes are simple gets of a html page with frames. On 4.2 
works with no problem but on 5.0 it does not work.   Any ideas?

Thank you,


private class WebViewClientImpl extends WebViewClient
        public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url)
            return false;
        public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url)
    @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // From API 21 we should use another 
    public WebResourceResponse shouldInterceptRequest ( final WebView view, 
String msg)
    return processRequest ( view, msg );
        public WebResourceResponse shouldInterceptRequest( WebView view, 
WebResourceRequest request)
        Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "We are in the 
shouldInterceptRequest 5.0: ",
    String msg = request.getUrl().toString();
    return shouldInterceptRequest(view, request.getUrl().toString());

                // Have also tried just simply doing the return.
    //return processRequest ( view, msg );

    public WebResourceResponse processRequest ( final WebView view, String 
msg )

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