Any luck with this?

Den fredag 9 april 2010 kl. 07:17:59 UTC+2 skrev patbenatar:
> Hey all-
> I'm trying to make my loading screen [for while data is fetched from
> the Web] display faster by using a background drawable on the Activity
> instead of a full-screen ImageView. This works as it should, as in the
> image is displayed right away by the system instead of showing the
> default theme background before loading in my ImageView. The problem
> is I need to be able to scale this image using scaleType="centerCrop",
> which works great on <ImageView> but apparently not on <bitmap>
> [although Eclipse doesn't have any problems with me setting it as an
> attribute of <bitmap>].
> Here's a portion of my theme.xml where I set the background drawable..
> This works. [I am declaring a custom theme and setting my Activity to
> use this theme in my manifest.]
> <item name="android:windowBackground">@drawable/splash_bg</item>
> And here's the contents of splash_bg.xml [excluding the top doctype
> line].
> <bitmap xmlns:android="";
>     android:src="@drawable/grub_truck_splash"
>     android:scaleType="centerCrop" />
> Any help would be great!
> It would be much preferred to do this in the XML rather than
> programmatically.. I don't think I could get the same instant display
> of the image effect if I were to do it programmatically, anyhow.
> Thanks,
> Nick

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