I have been reading over this information, forums, developer site, etc. for 
the past week and still have been unsuccessful in fully understanding how 
to size images such that things appear acceptable on different sized 
devices.  Certainly there is something I am missing, as this can't be that 
difficult, can it?  If someone could please point me in the right 
direction, I would be ever so grateful.

I am using qualifiers on the drawable and layout folders in an attempt to 
handle the various screen sizes and densities.

I have created drawable-ldpi, drawable-mdpi, drawable-hdpi, and 
I have created layout-w320dp, layout-w480dp, layout-w600dp, and 

I have placed a copy of the layout I am dealing with in each of the layout 
folders so I can adjust each as needed.

I have placed my graphics that I am testing with in their respective 
drawable folder.  

I initially designed my app using a Galaxy Tab 10" and scaled my graphics 
(png) files in GIMP with a dpi of 320 and sized to fit how I wanted them to 
look in the 10" environment.

I then took the original graphic (unmodified) that was used for the 
previously mentioned image and made the mdpi version by changing the dpi to 
160 and setting the pixel width/height to 1/2 of the previously mentioned 

For the rest, I followed the information from the design guide of...

ldpi = .75 of the mdpi
hdpi = 1.5 of the mdpi
With the first image created being the xhdpi

Question 1:  Should you scale all images such that the following are true, 
regardless of the dimensions of each image?

- ldpi images should always be 120dpi
- mdpi images should always be 160dpi
- hdpi images should always be 240dpi
- xhdpi images should always be 320dpi 

Here is an example of what I have done and what specifically is not working.

I have a logo that is 400 x 400 and has a dpi of 320.  This image looks 
beautiful on my tablet and the image file resides in the xhdpi folder
I then took a copy of this image and scaled it to 200 x 200 with a dpi of 
160 for my mdpi version and placed the file in the mdpi folder.
When viewing a 10" device in Android Studio, it looks great
When viewing a phone 3-4" device in Android Studio, the logo in HUGE!

My goal is basically this.

If I have an image that takes up exactly 1/4 of my screen on a tablet in 
the lower left corner, I want that image to take up the same 1/4 of the 
screen on the smaller devices, not be huge, taking up pretty much the 
entire screen.

Question 2:  I thought Android was supposed to down-sample the images of 
larger than what was needed so it would essentially scale things down for 
me, with a better goal of providing assets that are close to where they 
should be, which is what I am attempting to do.  Is this not the case?

There has to be some formula / step that I am simply missing here so if 
anyone could shed some light on this for me, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you all!


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