Another solution is to use int
int)>(int x, int y), if it runs normal, then the point(x, y) is in its
region, otherwise, if an exception
that means the point is out of the bitmap's region. In this way,
the left-bottom region is right, but the other three angle (top-left,
top-right, right-bottom) is still the outer rect of the rotated bitmap.
   Please help!


On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 11:22 AM, David Hu <> wrote:

>      Thanks for your reply, Mike. I've tried your method, seems still not
> work yet. The second parameter of Region.setPath (clip) can't be null.
>     If we use null, there will be an exception happen. So I've tried to use
> the region I've just constructed or the original rect region, the area is
> still the ourter standard rect area, not the inclined rect which rotated
> from a standard rect. Here is my code tip and possible result:
>      //Calculate region
>      top = 150;
>      bottom = top + bmp.getHeight(); //bmp is a bitmap instance
>      left = 200;
>      right = left + bmp.getWidth();
>      Path p = new Path();
>      p.addRect(left, top, right, bottom, Path.Direction.CCW);
> // use Matrix to rotate 30 degrees
>      Matrix mtx = new Matrix();
>      mtx.setRotate(30);
>      p.transform(mtx);
>      Region rgn  = new Region();
>      (1)  //----- The application will crash here with an exception here
>      rgn.setPath(p, null);
>      (2)  //----- The region is the rect area which encircle the rotated
> rect, not the rotated rect itself
>      rgn.setPath(p, rgn);
>      (3) //-----  The region is the rect area which encircle the rotated
> rect, not the rotated rect itself
>          Region clipRgn = new Region(top, bottom, left, right);
>          mRgn2.setPath(p, clipRgn);
> BTW, I searched in android source code and, can't find any
> usage of this API:
> public boolean 
> setPath(Path<>path,
> Region<>clip)
> So now, my question is which clip region should I pass or any other way in
> order to attain my aim? Hope I've made my aim clearly.
> BR,
> -David
> On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 11:27 PM, Mike Reed <> wrote:
>> You could possibly un-rotate your touch-point by 30 degrees, and then
>> just use the rectangle.
>> However, you can make complex regions by first constructing a Path,
>> and then calling region.setPath(...), which converts the path into a
>> region. Below is pseudo sample code:
>> Path p = new Path();
>> p.addRect(rect);    // this is your rect
>> p.transform(matrix); // construct a matrix and then rotate as you wish
>> region.setPath(p, null);
>> On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 5:01 AM,  <> wrote:
>> >
>> >   I want to judge whether the touch point(x, y) is in a region or
>> > not, the region is from a stardard rect by rotating specified degrees,
>> > from example, rotate 30 degrees. There is a class named Region in
>> > Android, but as I researched, it just supports standard rect, is there
>> > any other way to judge whether a point is in an  acclivitous rect? How
>> > to do it?
>> >
>> > Br,
>> > -David
>> > >
>> >
>> >>

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