> Seen from the exception trace, it seems it's related to an issue that
> I reported before:
> http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers/browse_thread/thread/785b04063a7bbd32
> It seems the resource is screwed up.  Basically findViewById returns a
> wrong thing, and in turn you get either NullPointerException or
> ClassCastException.  We are still not able to use an ant script to
> automate the build&sign process, which triggers the bug and gives you
> a corrupted apk.  However, exporting an unsigned apk using Eclipse and
> signing it manually works with no problem.

1. Why are you "still not able to use an ant script to automate the
build&sign process"?

2. If you aren't able to do #1, how do you know it "triggers the bug and
gives you a corrupted apk"?

3. Do you have a reproducible scenario you can publish with code? Or does
the phenomenon only occur with this one app?

> What a bug,... we have lost 5000+ users due to this.  Google should
> have tested more carefully it before making it available.

I realize you are frustrated, and that is understandable under the
circumstances. However, at this point, we don't know much. We know in this
one specific instance for this one specific app we get this one specific
condition. What we need is a way to reproduce this problem on demand for
an open source app, so we can get a better feel for what is going on. Only
when we know where the problem lies will we know truly who is to blame.

Any more information you can provide, such as answers to the preceding
questions, will be helpful.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
_The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 2.0 Available!

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