>> setOutputFile() expects a path to where you want the file stored.

Yep, figured that much by the method name, but what's a valid path?  I
mean I'm figuring it's UNIX-like, but other than that I'm in the
dark.  Is there a preferred place for apps to store data?  Are there
certain directories that I have permission to write to?  What
directories exist on the device by default?  It'd be nice for the docs
on data storage to mention any of these things:

>> You can take a look at the source to SoundRecorder in the open source tree 
>> for some working code

Thanks for the example.  This would be a much better example than the
one in the docs that won't compile and implies content must first be
added to a database:  http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/media/index.html

On Feb 24, 8:03 pm, Dave Sparks <davidspa...@android.com> wrote:
> setOutputFile() expects a path to where you want the file stored.
> You can take a look at the source to SoundRecorder in the open source
> tree for some working code:
> http://android.git.kernel.org/?p=platform/packages/apps/SoundRecorder...
> On Feb 24, 4:43 pm, benmccann <benjamin.j.mcc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'd like to create anaudiorecordingin Android.  (Actually, I just
> > want access to the mic withoutrecordingit, but it seems that's not
> > supported so I'll have to create arecordingand tail the file).
> > I'm having a very hard time getting started.  Mostly I'm just hoping
> > that someone from Google reads this and will update the documentation
> > because the example won't compile - it looks like it's from some
> > previous version of the SDK because there's an error in every other
> > line.  I made my best guess as to what the usage should be, but I keep
> > getting a number of different exceptions.
> > One question I had is whether I can just specify an arbitrary path to
> > the MediaRecorder to startrecordingor whether I have to create an
> > entry in the content database.  The JavaDoc for
> > MediaRecorder.setOutputFile isn't clear on what it's expecting.
> > Thanks,
> > Ben
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