Hello I am trying to take picture by G1 camera.

I have tried almost everything i was able to find on the net about
this topic. It seams there should be intent with action
"android.media.action.IMAGE_CAPTURE" which really starts camera
application and returns captured image. But captured image is scaled
to 0.25 of original size.
Another possibility I have found is to pass uri where to save captured
image. I went through all available sources of camera application and
it should work but does not.

For illustration, I am doing following in my example activity which
creates new image, but after returning from camera, image is still
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
        values.put(Media.TITLE, "Image");
        values.put(Media.DESCRIPTION, "Image capture by camera");
        Uri uri =
getContentResolver().insert(Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, values);

        Intent i = new Intent("android.media.action.IMAGE_CAPTURE");
        i.putExtra("output", uri);
        startActivityForResult(i, 1);

I am ready to write my own capturing application, but it is quite hard
and I would like to reuse.

Please, do you know correct intent action name and extra name to pass
to capture image?

Thank you very much.

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