That's a reasonable idea, thanks. Right now, I'm calling changeCursor
(null) for each of my adapters in onDestroy(), but if I run into
trouble with leaking cursors before I can set them into an adapter
I'll try removing the listeners.

Filed at

On Mar 7, 6:04 pm, Marco Nelissen <> wrote:
> One possible workaround that comes to mind is to remove your listener
> in your activity's onPause or onStop, so that it won't fire anymore
> when the activity is shutting down. Though having to add extra code to
> make managed cursors work for you kind of defeats the purpose, I
> suppose.
> Can you please file a bug at
> On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 4:50 PM, Jeffrey Yasskin <> wrote:
> > Activity.performStop() contains the following loop (around line 3394
> > in the 1.0 SDK release and at
> >;a=blob;...
> >            final int N = mManagedCursors.size();
> >            for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
> >                ManagedCursor mc = mManagedCursors.get(i);
> >                if (!mc.mReleased) {
> >                    mc.mCursor.deactivate();
> >                    mc.mReleased = true;
> >                }
> >            }
> > In my app, mc.mCursor.deactivate() calls (indirectly)
> > SimpleCursorAdapter.notifyDataSetInvalidated(), which calls
> > (indirectly) AdapterView.fireOnSelected(), which calls my
> > OnItemSelectedListener, which calls stopManagingCursor(), which
> > reduces the size of mManagedCursors, which makes the ArrayList.get()
> > call throw on the next iteration.
> > I'm calling stopManagingCursor to avoid the crash described at <http://
> >
> > f6fabc180e8b517a/c04691d80f1e9135?lnk=gst&#c04691d80f1e9135> (and a
> > few other posts you can find by searching this group for
> > "SQLiteClosable").
> > I suspect this is a bug in Activity.performStop, which shouldn't
> > assume mManagedCursors is constant through a call to a user-provided
> > callback. Until the Android developers can fix the bug, I'm looking
> > for a workaround. Should I just abandon managed cursors, which don't
> > seem to work well with CursorAdapters? Is there a good way to prevent
> > my OnItemSelectedListener from being called during performStop()? Any
> > other ideas?
> > Thanks,
> > Jeffrey
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