
Thanks for the tips. I have been trying with the different locales and
can confirm that Locale.GERMANY, Locale.FRANCE, but above all new
Locale("nl", "NL") works.
For the discussion on German(Germany) and German(autstria), i think
that the language is still the same. The language codes are defined by
iso standard 639-1. That standard knows only of german (de). The 639-2
standard knows a lot more german languages like swiss german.
So if java has choosen for ISO 639-1, its by design of Java. But in
the 1.6 javadoc i see only a reference to ISO 639, without
specification of which one.


On Mar 5, 12:37 am, Jon Colverson <> wrote:
> On Mar 3, 9:34 am, arjanDOTTYbroerATgmailDOTTYcom
> <> wrote:
> > Then when i use the DecimalFormat.getCurrencyInstance(new Local("nl-
> > NL")) or DecimalFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Local.GERMAN) it should use
> > theeurosign. The formatted has a strange block character though.
> "German" is a language, not a country, so it doesn't have a currency.
> If you use Locale.GERMANY then it works. Also, in the Locale
> constructor you have to specify the language and country separately,
> so new Locale("nl", "NL") will also work.
> I noticed that when I set the locale to "German" on the Android
> emulator and on my UK G1, the Locale.getDefault() Locale did not have
> a country, and so no currency was available. It seems to me that there
> should be "German (Germany)", "German (Austria)" etc. Is this an
> oversight, or a deliberate design choice?
> --
> Jon
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