I'm using the AbsoluteLayout in one of my apps and it can be useful.
However, i think it'll be deprecated because the AbsoluteLayout is
device(/screen) dependent. E.g., if a new phone comes out with a
square screen instead of 320x480, your app starts to look funny. You
can mitigate this somewhat by using 'dp' units, for example, instead
of using 'px' units.

Although, all other measures (e.g. widths of views) can still be
expressed in pixels, which is device dependent as well.

So, why will AbsoluteLayout become deprecated and not the measures
expressed in pixels?

On Mar 13, 11:15 am, Edward  Falk <ed.f...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mar 12, 5:03 pm, Romain Guy <romain...@google.com> wrote:
> > AbsoluteLayout is deprecated in Cupcake.
> Why?  And what do we use in its place?
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