If i understand various messages i've read on this board correctly,
you can not bundle Android resources in a shared library.
You can only bundle share classes (and regular java-resources, i hope)
in JARs.

I was trying to do the same, sharing layouts, bitmaps, etc among a
suite of applications. It did not work, because Android resources can
not be shared from a jar to an apk.

Any Android engineer; correct me if i'm wrong (i hope i am :=)).

On Mar 20, 11:31 am, madcoder <paperga...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to build an alert dialog with a builder.  The code is from
> the svn here:
> http://code.google.com/p/apps-for-android/source/browse/trunk/DivideA...
> There is also a web site with description of how to use the code 
> here:http://androiddevstudio.com/tutorials/adding-eula-to-android-app/comm...
> So far the class successfully runs this code:
> ...previous code
> builder.setPositiveButton(com.mywebsite.MyLib.R.string.eula_accept,
> new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
>                 public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which)
> {
>                     accept(preferences);
>                     if (activity instanceof OnEulaAgreedTo) {
>                         ((OnEulaAgreedTo) activity).onEulaAgreedTo();
>                     }
>                 }
>             });
> Then I try to run this code immediately after it:
> builder.setNegativeButton(com.mywebsite.MyLib.R.string.eula_refuse,
> new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
>                 public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which)
> {
>                     refuse(activity);
>                 }
>             });
> And then I get Force Close.  I've placed several log messages in my
> code for debug and I'm fairly certain this is where it hangs up.
> The DDMS indicates:
> W  535  ResourceType  getEntry failing because entryIndex 3 is beyond
> type entryCount 3
> W  535  ResourceType  Failure getting entry for 0x7f040003 ( t=3 e=3 )
> in package 0: 0x80000001
> I have commented out this single builder.setNegativeButton code and
> the file runs with no force closure.  I'm also absolutely sure that
> both string resources are in the strings.xml file.
> You may notice my string designation:
> com.mywebsite.MyLib.R.string.eula_accept
> This is because I'm trying to access this eula from a reusable library
> class.  This is where is gets a little weird.  The title in the dialog
> displays this:
> "res/raw/button_click.ogg"
> And the accept button at the bottom of the dialog displays this text:
> "res/raw/instructions.ogg"
> Those files are both from the main project itself, in another package,
> hence the use of long definitions for the string files.  Unfortunately
> it still doesn't access those strings.
> I would like to know how to do this correctly, so I can reuse this
> library class.  And more importantly, so I can understand what I'm
> doing wrong.
> I'm using Eclipse and the latest SDK of Android.
> Thanks in advance.
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