Wow... It's so simple, but still got an error... I got this:

Cursor cursor = getContentResolver().query(datatoget, null, null,
null, null);
String fname = cursor.getString(ImageColumns.DATA);

It won't let me run the code... "getString" is underlined in red and
it just wants me to change it to "getLong" but if I do that, it just
tells me to change it back to "getString" again... Am I doing
something wrong here, or am I that bad at coding Android?

On Mar 30, 4:37 pm, Streets Of Boston <> wrote:
> This works as designed.
> The getDataString() is the string of the content Uri that refers to
> theimage.
> If you want the physical filename, do a 'Cursor cursor =
> getContentResolver().query(intent.getData(), null, null, null, null)'
> and query the column ImageColumns.DATA on the returned cursor.
> Thecursor.getString(ImageColumns.DATA) will return the physical file-
> path on your SC-card.
> On Mar 30, 3:58 pm, Bobbie <> wrote:
> > I am having issues with some "photo picker" code that I am using.  All
> > of my pictures are stored on an SD card.  The SD card is mounted and I
> > can take pictures no problem.  However, when I select a picture from
> > the picker and output the location of the file, I should get:
> > "/sdcard/dcim/Camera/FILENAME.jpg"
> > But instead, I get:
> > "content://media/external/images/media/7"
> > Any ideas what could be causing this?  Here is my code, a button
> > invokes the "takePic()" function:
> > ================================
> >     public void takePic() {
> >         Intent photoPickerIntent = new Intent
> >         photoPickerIntent.setType("image/*");
> >         startActivityForResult(photoPickerIntent, 1);
> >     }
> >     @Override
> >     protected void onActivityResult(int i, int j, Intent intent) {
> >         super.onActivityResult(i, j, intent);
> >         textview.append(intent.getDataString());
> >     }
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