Thanks for the tip, I will definitely write up a contract if this goes

On Mar 30, 11:45 am, droozen <> wrote:
> I take it, then, that you are not an iPhone developer.
> Not sure which way I would go on this one. If your friend already has
> some iPhone experience, I assume he already has an iPhone developer
> account which you'll want to use. In which case it might be better to
> set up a contract where he uses his iPhone account and pays you a
> percentage of the sales he makes, in exchange for you handing him your
> code/images for him to start from. Because in that case it would
> really be him doing all the work and you're collecting royalties
> because you came up with the idea/original code. Assuming it's
> significant work because he'll need to recode everything from java to
> ObjectC for the iPhone, he's really duplicating all your work, minus
> the original idea and your images.
> So I'd probably ask for him to pay YOU 30% or less. (I definitely
> wouldn't go below 10%.) Though, if you think your app is original
> enough or that your friend will settle for less, I'd ask maybe 50%,
> though keep in mind, he gets 30% deducted from the price of his app on
> the App Store, as well, to go to Apple. So you'd have to be clear on
> whether the payments (whether you to him or him to you) is a
> percentage of total profits or a percentage of the price of the app on
> the app store.
> And, although he is your friend, I'd write up a contract between the
> two of you. You never know in the future when there might be a scuffle
> because either one of you doesn't remember what was agreed, or one of
> you claims he never agreed to something. A contract preserves
> businesses and friendships.
> On Mar 30, 10:09 am, Hayden <> wrote:
> > I am looking for advice on paying someone to port my app to the
> > iPhone.  I have a friend with some iPhone experience, so I am
> > considering paying him with a percentage of sales for the port he
> > makes.  Has anyone had experience with a similar situation? What would
> > be a decent % of sales to offer him,  30%?  More? Less?
> > Thanks!
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